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词汇 Hill
例句 Mrs. Hill, still mentally alert, said no to any suggestions of further operations.希尔女士神志依然清楚,拒绝了做进一步手术的建议。Walker had the unenviable task of breaking the bad news to Hill.沃克不得不把这个坏消息告诉希尔。Hill represents a police success story, having risen up through the ranks to become chief inspector.希尔代表了一个警察的成功例子,他从警员干起,一步步升到了总督察的高位。The company is sending a car to meet Mr Hill at the station.公司准备派车去车站接希尔先生。He searched Hill's impassive face for some indication that he understood.他盯着希尔毫无表情的面孔,寻找着些许表示他已明白的迹象。This policy had repeatedly come under strong criticism on Capitol Hill.该政策在美国国会屡遭强烈批评。Hill's lawyers announced she had taken and passed a polygraph test.希尔的律师宣布她已接受并通过了测谎。The president will go to Capitol Hill to meet with lawmakers.总统将前往国会与立法者们见面。We demand excellence here at Trinity Hill School.在三一希尔中学我们要求的是卓越。Europe's biggest Stone Age earthworks are at Silbury Hill in Wiltshire.欧洲石器时期最大的土木防御工事位于威尔特郡的西尔布利山。Dave Hill's article makes the right point about the Taylor Report.戴夫·希尔的文章对《泰勒报告》的看法是正确的。The new Oak Hill development offers a mix of housing.新的橡树山开发项目提供多种住房组合。From Primrose Hill, London looked like a ruined city shrouded in mist.从普里姆罗斯山望去,伦敦就像是一个笼罩在薄雾之中的废墟。Further hearings chipped away at Hill's credibility.又几次听证会后,希尔的信誉进一步丧失。Hill tried to play the peacemaker.希尔想要充当和事佬。Hang gliding and paragliding are allowed from the top of Windy Hill.温迪山顶允许进行悬挂式滑翔和滑翔伞运动。Hill has never been on the winning side.希尔在哪一方,哪一方就输。He was Capitol Hill's most militant health-care campaigner.他是美国国会里最激进的医疗保健活动家。Mr Hill took a real fancy to Clara.希尔先生深深地爱上了克拉拉。The court ruled that Ms Hill had been unfairly dismissed.法庭裁定解雇希尔女士是不公正的。She sat at the little desk out front of Professor Hill's office.她坐在希尔教授办公室门外的小桌旁。As a teenager he attended Tulse Hill Senior High School.十几岁时,他上了塔尔斯山高中。Mechanics is taught by Dr. Hill.力学由希尔博士教授。It was a tough course over a gradual ascent before the big climb of Bluebell Hill.在爬崎岖的蓝钟山之前有一段很难走的上行缓坡路。Hill cannot write badly or superficially; his characters and plotting are, as usual, admirable.希尔不可能写得太差,也不会缺乏深度;他刻画的人物和情节和以前一样精彩。Mr Hill sat down and made a few remarks about the weather.希尔先生坐下来说了几句关于天气的话。The film, spanning almost a quarter-century, tells the story of Henry Hill.这部时间跨度将近四分之一世纪的影片讲述的是亨利·希尔的故事。The top of Pea Hill was bathed in brilliant sunshine.豌豆山的山顶沐浴在灿烂的阳光中。One of the jurors said that Hill's explanation just didn't ring true.其中的一位陪审员说,希尔的解释听上去根本就不真实。Mrs. Hill is very good with children.希尔夫人很会和孩子打交道。SkyHawks perform aerial manoeuvres over Parliament Hill.几架天鹰战斗机在渥太华议会山上空表演了特技飞行。Nigel Hill was yesterday confirmed as the new chief executive.奈杰尔·希尔昨天被正式任命为新的总经理。The organization is lobbying Capitol Hill to increase funding for AIDS research.那个组织正在游说美国国会增加艾滋病研究的基金。Mr. Hill divorced his wife at the age of 70.希尔先生七十岁的时候与他妻子离婚。Hill wilfully ignored the conventions of the banking world.希尔佯装对银行界的常规不管不顾。Hill let loose a torrent of abuse against those who prosecuted his case.希尔对控告他的人破口大骂起来。They often spent Christmas at Prescott Hill.他们经常在普雷斯科特山过圣诞节。Hill considered Sam a lightweight, a real amateur.希尔认为萨姆无足轻重,是个十足的生手。Hill won the race, and Schumacher finished second.希尔赢了比赛,舒马赫排名第二。Box Hill is a suburb of Melbourne.博士山属于墨尔本的近郊住宅区。




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