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词汇 hijacking
例句 All the networks pre-empted their regular schedules to broadcast news of the hijacking.所有的电视网都取消了安排好的节目,转而播放劫机的新闻。The hijacking became a trigger point for military action.这次劫持事件成了引发军事行动的导火线。If you're thinking of hijacking my car then forget it.如果你正在考虑劫我的车,那还是算了吧。It was out of sheer desperation that he had resorted to hijacking.他铤而走险,才想起劫车这一招的。He’s a leading suspect in the hijacking of the jetliner.他是民航机被劫持事件中的首要嫌疑人。Evans was jailed for hijacking a lorry with a £30,000 load of spirits, tobacco and groceries.埃文斯因劫持一辆装有值三万英镑烟酒杂货的货车而入狱。Environmentalists were accused of hijacking the rally to promote their own aims.环境保护主义者被指控通过操纵这一集会来促进自身目标的实现。




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