例句 |
The luxury car market has been dead in recent months.近几个月来豪华汽车市场生意萧条。The luxury car market has collapsed.豪华汽车市场瘫痪了。Expensive cars are seen as an emblem of success.豪华汽车被视为成功的标志。Manufacturers still build luxury cars with all the bells and whistles.制造商们依然在生产拥有各种花里胡哨功能的豪华汽车。He drives a big, fancy car.他开了一辆很大的豪华汽车。The customs duty on luxury cars went up last month.上月豪华汽车的关税提高了。Greed got him his fancy cars and high-powered boats. And greed caused his downfall.贪心使他得到了豪华汽车和高速游艇,贪心也导致了他的下台。 |