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词汇 hello
例句 He walked right by me without even saying hello.他从我身边走过,连招呼都不打。She waved hello.她挥手打了招呼。I was just passing by and thought I'd stop and say hello.我正好路过,所以想过来问个好。He smiled a pale hello at his father.他朝他父亲淡淡一笑,算是打招呼了。He said hello and I felt my face turn bright red.他跟我打招呼,我感到自己的脸变得通红。She said hello but she seemed a bit abstracted.她有点心不在焉地打了声招呼。Well hello there! Long time no see!嗨,你好!好久不见了!I wish him a hello, and he never raps to me but only bows.我向他打招呼,可他总是不和我说一句话,只是鞠躬。Most people recognise the need to pay a golden hello to attract the best.大多数人都认识到需要用高额聘金来吸引精英人才。I saw Mrs Trevors in the village, and she didn't even say hello!我在村里碰见特雷弗斯太太,她竟然连招呼也不打!A boy by the name of David has just called to say hello to you.一个名叫大卫的男孩刚刚来电话向你问好。I said hello to him, but he showed no recognition.我向他问好,可他不答理我。I just wanted to call and say hello and find out how you're doing.我打电话只是来问候一下,看你们怎么样了。Barry popped his head round the door to say hello.巴里从门口探进头来问好。When I said hello, he gave me a really sour look!我对他打招呼时他朝我狠狠地瞪了一眼。The salesperson greeted me with a warm hello.售货员热情地和我打招呼。You don't need a reason to phone her. Just call her up and say hello.你给她打个电话不需要理由的,只要打给她问个好就行。The two men said hello and shook hands.那两人打招呼握手。He was in too much of a hurry to stop and say hello.他太过匆忙而没来得及停下来打招呼。He was an irritable old man, who seldom spoke except to say a gruff hello.他是个爱发脾气的老人,除了生硬地打声招呼外很少说话。I said hello but she looked straight through me.我跟她打了个招呼,而她却对我视而不见。The woman behind the counter greeted us with a cheery hello.柜台后面的那个女人快乐地和我们打了一声招呼。I think I see Jane. Let's go over and say hello.我想我看见简了。我们一起过去问候一下她吧。I said hello, but she completely blanked me.我打了声招呼,但她却完全不理我。There was a pause in the conversation as everyone turned to say hello to Paul.所有人转身向保罗打招呼,谈话中断了一会儿。He walked on without even stopping to say hello.他连停下来打个招呼都没有,直往前走。I just stopped by to say hello.我只是顺路过来打个招呼。I saw Maria and stopped to say hello.我看到玛丽亚,于是停下来打了个招呼。He walked right past me without saying hello.他径直从我身边走过,没跟我打招呼。Well, hello! What do we have here?哎哟,这是怎么回事呀?Cathy poked her head round the door to say hello.凯茜从门后探出头来打招呼。He hardly spoke except to say hello.他除了打招呼以外几乎没讲话。I'd better go now. Say hello to Shelley for me, will you?现在我得走了,替我向谢利问好,好吗?I said hello to her, but she didn't answer.我跟她打招呼,可是她没有回话。He waved hello, then went right back to work.他挥手打了个招呼,然后又接着去工作了。Most people recognize the need to pay a golden hello to attract the best.大多数人认为有必要通过丰厚的聘金来吸引最出色的人才。She said hello to me and I went weak in the knees.她跟我打了声招呼,我顿时感到两腿发酥。Promise you'll look in and say hello when you have time.答应我,有时间的话来看看我,打个招呼。He feigned surprise when I went up and said hello.我上前和他打招呼时,他装出吃惊的样子。I just popped in to say hello.我只是进去打个招呼。




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