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词汇 approving
例句 When approving a merger, the commission can attach conditions.委员会在批准公司合并的时候可以附加条件。Congress adjourned for the year without approving an economic stimulus package.国会还没批准经济刺激一揽子计划就进入年度休会了。The assembly adopted a resolution approving the plan.大会采纳了通过该方案的决议。She gave him an approving smile.她向他微笑表示赞许。The writer seems to vacillate between approving of Collins’ actions and finding them disgusting.对柯林斯的行为,作者一会儿赞成,一会儿又厌恶,看来还拿不定主意。His mother leaned forward and gave him an approving look.他的母亲探身向前,对他投以赞许的目光。He smiled with an approving nod.他微笑着点点头表示赞同。Susan's joke was greeted with approving laughter.苏珊的笑话引来一阵会意的笑声。He charmed the committee into approving his proposal.他巧舌如簧使委员会批准了他的提案。Their duties consisted principally of approving expenditure and appointments.他们的职责主要包括审核开支以及聘任工作。




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