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词汇 appropriate for
例句 It's a scary movie that might not be appropriate for the kiddies.这是一部恐怖片,可能不适合小孩子看。This dress is appropriate for a summer day.这件衣服宜在夏天穿。Each member is given a special exercise routine that is appropriate for his or her needs每一名会员都获安排一套适合个人需要的特别锻炼计划。That kind of behaviour is not appropriate for somebody his age.那种行为对他这个年龄的人来说不合适。The matter ranges more broadly than considerations that are appropriate for the more specialized purview of this book.这个问题涉及面更广,而这本书是在较为专业的范围内加以探讨,因而这个问题不是这本书应该考虑的。It would not be appropriate for me to comment.我来作评论不合适。A strict diet is appropriate for only a few.严格的食谱仅对少数人适用。It might be appropriate for him to attend the course.他修这门课程或许很适合。She picked up a dress appropriate for the occasion.她挑了一件适合该场合穿的衣服。I am satisfied on the balance of probabilities it is appropriate for me to return a verdict of accidental death.我确信根据盖然性占优势的原则,我宣告陪审团的意外死亡裁定是恰当的。Maybe I'm just an old fogy, but I don't think this kind of music is appropriate for children.可能我是个老顽固,但我觉得这种音乐不适合孩子。Our boat would not have been appropriate for ocean voyaging.我们的船只本不适合海上航行。Is this movie appropriate for preadolescents?这部电影适合青春期前的孩子观看吗?It would not be appropriate for me to discuss that now.我现在来讨论那件事不合时宜。Plain, simple clothes are appropriate for school wear.简朴的服装适合上学时穿。




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