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词汇 health insurance
例句 Almost an eleventh of our total budget is committed to employee health insurance.我们全部预算的近十一分之一用于支付员工健康保险。In countries which do not have reciprocal health agreements with your own, you will need to take out health insurance.在与本国没有订立医疗保健互惠协定的国家,你必须购买医疗保险。Fringe benefits include a company car and free health insurance.附加福利包括公司用车和免费健康保险。You can get tax relief on private health insurance premiums.你交私人医疗保险费可以享受税款减免。My health insurance doesn't cover this treatment/drug.我的健康险不承保这类治疗/药物费用。The law will compel employers to provide health insurance.这项法律将强迫雇主提供健康保险。That students from mainland China should be incorporated into the health insurance scheme has already been set in stone.有关陆生纳入健保的事已经定案了。The company offered a new health insurance plan so that more workers would opt in.公司提供了一种新的健康保险方案,以便更多的员工可以选择加入。Congress rejected a measure that would make it easier for low-income workers to get health insurance.国会拒绝了可方便低收入工人获得健康保险的一项议案。My health insurance company has denied coverage for the treatment. 我的医疗保险公司拒绝支付这笔治疗费用。Perks offered by the firm include a car and free health insurance.公司给予的额外待遇包括一辆汽车和免费健康保险。Our comprehensive range of benefits includes pension and health insurance.我们的全套福利涵盖养老金和健康保险。The law is intended to protect/safeguard the interests of people who have no health insurance.这部法律旨在保护/保障那些无医保人员的利益。Full-time employees are entitled to receive health insurance.全职雇员都有资格享受医疗保险。The clinic provides free care for elderly and infirm people who lack health insurance.这家诊所免费照料年老体弱且无医保者。Many people are covered by employer-provided health insurance.许多人都有雇主提供的健康保险。Our health insurance pays a fixed amount for each type of treatment, regardless of what it actually costs.我们的健康保险对每种治疗都赔付一笔固定金额,不管实际费用是多少。The salary isn't very high, but fringe benefits include free health insurance and a company car.薪水不是很高,但是附加福利包括免费医疗保险和公司配车。The company subsidizes health insurance for its employees.公司为员工提供医疗保险补助。The company offers health insurance, paid vacation, and other goodies like stock options.这家公司提供医疗保险、带薪休假及诸如优先认购权等其他福利。When her health insurance was canceled she had nothing to fall back on.她的健康保险被取消后,她就无所依靠了。Their pay rise would be eaten up by higher health insurance contributions.他们增加的工资会被更高的健康保险费吞掉。Non-smokers get cheaper health insurance.不抽烟的人买健康保险更便宜。Getting good health insurance these days costs an arm and a leg.如今买好的健康保险要花一大笔钱。She signed up for health insurance.她签字投保了健康保险。Congress added a rider to the health insurance bill.国会在健康保险法案上又添加了一个条款。The fringe benefits include free health insurance.附加福利包括免费健康保险。Talk to personnel if you have any questions about your health insurance.如果有关于健康保险的问题,请去咨询人事部门。The monthly premium for your health insurance is deducted from your paycheck.每月健康保险费用从你工资里扣除。We've paid out thousands of pounds in health insurance over the years.这几年来我们已经在健康保险方面花费了好几千英镑。He's eligible for health insurance through his employer.他有资格通过雇主申请医疗保险。Millions of Americans lack adequate health insurance.数百万美国人缺乏充分的健康保险。Millions of people in the US are not covered by health insurance.美国有数百万人享受不到健康保险。They don't have health insurance, so they have to pay cash for doctor's visits.他们没买医疗保险,因此看医生得付现金。A flexible health insurance plan gives patients more choice about doctors and coverage.灵活的医疗保险方案使患者对医生和保险范围有了更多的选择余地。The plan has provided health insurance for many Americans who were previously uninsured.这项计划是向大批原来没有保险的美国人提供健康保险。




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