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词汇 to dig
例句 The first step in building a house is to dig the foundation.建房子的第一步是挖地基。With one man sent off, the team had to dig deep and hang on for a draw.一名队员被罚下场后,球队只好奋力保个平局了。Some soldiers were told off to dig ditches.一些士兵被派去挖壕沟。There isn't time to dig deeply and put in manure or compost.没有时间来深挖然后施以粪肥或堆肥。I went home to dig around in my closets for some old tapes.我回到家后在我的壁橱里四处翻找旧磁带。He tried his best to dig himself in.他拼命巩固自己的地位。Labourers with picks and shovels had to dig deep to remove the earth.劳工们只好用镐头和铲子深挖,将泥土移走。The bird uses its long curved bill to dig out worms and small insects.这种鸟用长而弯曲的喙啄出蠕虫和其他小昆虫。We are asking people to dig deep to help the victims of the war.我们号召人们掏钱帮助战争受害者。The spade was missing, and we had no choice but to dig the weeds out by hand.铲子不见了,我们没有别的办法,只好用手把野草挖出来。We had to dig our way out.我们只好一路挤出去。I wanted to dig a few more facts up for my article.我想为我的文章再查清一些实据。The workmen began to dig up the lot next door for a basement.工人们开始为建造房屋的地下室而挖掘毗邻的那块土地。They began to dig into the hill.他们开始在山上挖洞。I'd like some time to dig over the questions raised in today's meeting.我希望有些时间重新考虑今天会上提出的问题。There were reports that his campaign team had been trying to dig up information that might discredit his rival.有报道说他的竞选班子企图挖掘可能损害对手名声的新闻。You'll have to dig up the bush yourself.你得自己把这丛灌木挖掉。We will have to dig that tree up.我们得把那棵树挖掉。The soldiers were ordered to dig themselves in.士兵奉命挖掩体隐蔽起来。I don't want to have to dig into my deposit account unless I have to.除非万不得已,我不想动用我的定期存款。The doctor used a sharp instrument to dig a piece of glass out of my finger.医生用尖头工具把我手指里的一块玻璃渣挑了出来。She had to dig deep to find the strength to catch her rival on the final straight.她不得不拼尽全力以在最后一段直道上追上对手。The children like to dig in the sand.孩子们喜欢在沙子上挖着玩。We just have to dig in and hope we can turn things around.我们只得严阵以待并希望能够扭转局面。They have hired a team of labourers to dig the road.他们雇了一队民工来掘路。The aardvark uses its powerful claws to dig for food.食蚁兽用它那强有力的爪子挖食。He had to dig into savings to pay current debts.他只好动用存款来付债。I must remember to dig out that book for you.我必须记着把那本书给你找出来。The negotiators have been instructed to dig in their heels on the last two major issues.谈判代表受命在最后两大问题上采取寸步不让的坚定立场。It seems like every time Grandma comes over we have to dig out the family photos.看来祖母每次来我们都得把家人的照片翻找出来。The school provided the bus for the trip, but the students had to dig down to pay for gas and meals.学校为这次旅游提供大客车,但学生得自己掏钱付汽油费和饭费。I'm going to have to dig into my savings again.我又得动用储蓄了。You would have to dig up the plant yourself.你得自己把那株植物挖出来。We had to dig the car out of the snow after the storm.暴风雪过后,我们不得不从雪里把车挖出来。He stripped to the waist and began to dig.他脱光上衣开始挖起来。It takes a lot of work to dig a deep well.挖一口深井很费事。I want you to dig deep. Find out who she is, and where she came from.我想让你彻底调查一下,弄清她是谁,从哪里来的。I had to dig up a chap who was willing to interpret.我得找到一位愿意当译员的人。We'll have to dig deep to get at the roots.我们得深挖才能挖到根部。Politicians try to dig up dirt on their opponents.政客们试图挖出政敌的丑事。




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