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例句 He felt he was a non-person within the company.他感觉自己在公司里是一个无足轻重的小人物。Monoclonal antibodies can be helpful in the treatment of recurrent, indolent non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.单克隆抗体可用来治疗复发无痛性非何杰金氏淋巴瘤。The General does not like non-combatant personnel near a scene of action.将军不喜欢非战斗部队人员靠近战场。The applause from the delegates was thin to the point of non-existence.代表们的掌声稀稀拉拉,几近于无。The non-smoking section was completely enclosed in glass.无烟区用玻璃完全隔离开来。Rules of grammar are more problematic for non-native speakers.语法规则对非母语说话者来说更难掌握。Yoga is non-aerobic, the accent being on the importance of the correct alignment of the body.瑜伽是非有氧运动,强调的是身体位置正确的重要性。Many US cities now have non-stop flights to Aspen.美国很多城市现在都有直达阿斯彭的航班。The hotel restaurant is open to non-residents.这家宾馆的餐厅对非住客开放。You can fly non-stop from London to New York.你可以从伦敦直飞纽约。The hotel dining room is open to non-residents for dinner.这家旅店的餐厅对非本店住客营业。The respondents were grouped into three categories - non-smokers, smokers, and ex-smokers.受访者分为三类一不抽烟的、抽烟的和曾经抽过烟的。Civil aircraft engines must be quiet, non-polluting, reliable and long-lasting.民用飞机的发动机必须噪音低、无污染、可靠、耐用。He began a non-stop hike up and down the corridors of the hospital.他在医院的走廊里不停地来回走动。The restaurant is open to non-residents.非旅馆住客也可以到该餐厅就餐。Could I have something non-alcoholic, like orange juice, please?能给我来些不含酒精的饮料吗,比如橙汁什么的?Had she missed something important, or was this just a non sequitur?她是不是漏掉了什么重要的东西,抑或这只是瞎猜呢?From the look on their faces, I was obviously persona non grata.从他们的表情上来看,我显然是不受欢迎的人。Heat the oil in a non-stick frying-pan, then pour in the egg mixture.在不粘煎锅里将油加热,然后倒入鸡蛋糊。The supermarket chain agreed to lease the site to a non-food retailer.这家连锁超市同意将该地块出租给一家非食品零售商。The control of inflation is a sine qua non for economic stability.控制通货膨胀是经济稳定的必要条件。He also produced works of non-fiction.他还创作了一些非小说类作品。In theory, basketball is a non-contact sport.理论上讲,篮球是一种无身体接触的体育项目。The terms of this agreement are non-negotiable.这项协议的条款不容商榷。The government has declared the French ambassador persona non grata and ordered him to leave the country.政府已经宣布法国大使为不受欢迎的人,勒令其离境。The parenting class is run in an open, non-judgmental manner that lets people speak freely.家长育儿指导班的教学方式是开放式的,不加批判的,让大家自由发言。The scheme is also open to non-members.该方案也对非正式成员开放。It is a non-profit organization.这是一个非营利性的组织。As a persona non grata, historical photographs showing him had to be retouched.作为一个不受欢迎的人,此人的形象必须从一应历史性照片上修去。These drugs come under the heading of non-medical substances.这些药属于非医用品。The driver mumbled a non-committal reply.司机含含糊糊地回答了一声。The plane tickets are nonrefundable and non-transferable.飞机票不得退换,也不得转让。The school must meet several non-negotiable requirements to be eligible for the funding.学校必须满足几项硬性要求才有资格得到拨款。In industry, diamond can form a tough, non-corrosive coating for tools.在工业上,金刚石可以用作工具表面坚固、耐腐蚀的覆盖层。Let me state for the record that my knowledge of wine is almost non-existent.我郑重声明,我对葡萄酒几乎一无所知。The agreement is the first postwar treaty to reduce non-nuclear weapons in Europe.该协议是战后欧洲削减非核武器的第一个条约。Being the only non-golfer present, I felt very much out of it.作为在场唯一一个不会打高尔夫球的人,我感到很不自在。For a non-smoker, healthy and active, it was a cruel blow.这对于一个从不吸烟、身体健康而又充满活力的人来说是一个残酷的打击。It is important to create a safe, non-threatening environment for children.为孩子们创造一个安全轻松的环境很重要。What disturbs me most is the racial double standard that exists in foreign policy: Predominantly white countries are given aid and attention while predominantly non-white countries are ignored.最让我不安的是对外政策中的种族双重标准:以白人为主的国家获得帮助和重视,而非白人为主的国家却遭受忽视。




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