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词汇 Kids
例句 Kids should always wear seatbelts even in back.小孩子应当始终系好安全带,即使坐在后排位置也要系。Kids often misbehave when they are bored or tired.孩子们感到厌烦或疲倦时就会调皮捣蛋。Kids nowadays seem very sure of themselves.如今的小孩都显得很自信。Kids do and say the darnedest things.小孩子们会做和说最令人不可思议的事。Kids of his age typically have a very short attention span.这个年龄的孩子,注意力集中的时间一般都很短。Kids get embarrassed if their Mums kiss them in front of their friends.小孩子如果当着朋友的面被妈妈亲吻,会显得很尴尬。Kids spend fantastic amounts of money on CDs.小孩子把大笔的钱花在买激光唱片上。Kids who are excluded from school often end up getting into trouble with the police.被学校开除的孩子最后往往和警察惹上麻烦。Kids as young as ten are shooting up heroin.连十岁大的小孩都在注射海洛因。Kids don't want other kids to think they're brown-nosing, so they don't tell teachers when they've enjoyed a class.小孩子不愿让其他小孩认为自己在拍马屁,所以当他们喜欢某堂课时不会对老师这么说。Kids need friends of their own age to play with.小孩子需要和同龄的朋友一起玩。Kids get all kinds of bugs at school.孩子们在学校里会得各种小毛病。Kids should spend as much time out of doors as possible.小孩子应该尽量多在户外活动。Kids should steer clear of that park, it doesn't seem safe.那个公园好像不安全,孩子们应该避开。Kids these days are very materialistic. They only seem to be interested in expensive toys and computer games.如今的孩子一味追求物质享受,他们感兴趣的好像只有昂贵的玩具和电脑游戏。Kids used to beat up on him after school.以前那些孩子放学后常常打他。Kids of that age can be very wearing, can't they?那个年龄的孩子会让人感到很累,是吗?Kids are put under a tremendous emotional strain when their parents separate.父母分居,小孩子就要承受巨大的情感压力。Kids take so much for granted nowadays - in my day a new bike was really special.现在的孩子把很多东西都太不当回事儿了——我小的时候一辆新自行车就是件稀罕之物。Kids were throwing stunts/tricks on skateboards at the park.孩子们在公园玩花样滑板。Kids were squirting each other with water pistols.小孩子们在用水枪互相喷水。Kids love the book's rude humour.孩子们喜欢这本书里庸俗的幽默。Kids often get caught in the crossfire when parents are divorcing.孩子们在父母离婚时往往会被卷入到他们的争吵中。Kids these days have no one to tell them what's right and wrong.如今的孩子没人告诉他们什么是对什么是错。Kids’ feelings about everything from reading to exercise are influenced by their parents.小孩子从阅读到运动各方面的看法都受到父母的影响。Kids in his neighborhood clipped his picture from the newspaper and carried it around.附近的孩子们从报纸上剪下他的照片,到哪儿都带着。Kids in his neighbourhood clipped his picture from the newspaper and carried it around.邻居的孩子们把他的照片从报纸下剪下来,走到哪儿带到哪儿。Kids wanting to be stars come to Hollywood from all over America.想当明星的年轻人从美国各地来到好莱坞。Kids who play violent video games show much more aggressive behaviour than those who don't.玩暴力电子游戏的孩子比不玩的表现出更多攻击性行为。Kids don't play outside as much as they used to.孩子们不像以前那样经常在外边玩耍了。Kids were left to fry in the sun.孩子们被留在烈日下暴晒。Kids have always found ways of cheating in school exams.孩子们总能找到考试作弊的办法。Kids just love being able to romp around in the fresh air without having to wrap up warm.孩子们非常喜欢不用裹着厚实的衣服在空气新鲜的户外嬉闹。Kids can tell if a teacher doesn't know what he's doing.小孩子看得出来老师行不行。Kids in particular will love the rides and shows.尤其是小孩子会喜欢这些游乐设施和节目表演。Kids were getting soft these days.孩子们如今变得娇嫩了。Kids these days are much more streetwise than we ever were at their age.现在的孩子比我们在他们那么大时懂事多了。Kids love the new game, and adults get a buzz out of it too.小孩子们喜欢这个新游戏,大人们也对它很感兴趣。Kids are so much more well travelled, confident, and worldly wise these days.现在的孩子们更加见多识广、自信又世故。Kids on the streets rolled drunks for small change.街上的孩子们在醉汉身上偷零钱。




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