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They just wanna have fun.他们只想找点乐子。You owe it to yourself to have fun. 你该让自己开心地玩一下了。He's so caught up in the rules that he's missing the point of the game, which is just to have fun.他太注重规则,因而弄错了游戏的意义:游戏只是娱乐。Don't be so bitchy. We'll go out and have fun later.不要如此暴躁。我们等一下就出去玩。Parents are so busy with their careers that they don't have time to have fun with their children, and that's unfortunate.父母忙于事业而没有时间陪孩子玩,真可惜。Some students only come here because they want to have fun, not because they want to learn.有些学生来这里只是因为想玩,而不是想学习。Her stories are full of nonsense words that kids have fun trying to say.她的故事里满是些孩子们乐于去说但没什么意义的词语。With a paddle board, you can have fun in the tiniest waves.玩浆板时即使浪非常小也很有乐趣。Some parents place a lot of emphasis on winning, but we just want our children to have fun playing sports.有些父母非常强调比赛获胜,而我们只是想让孩子们从运动中获得快乐。 |