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A haunting oboe solo introduces the third movement of the concerto.协奏曲第三乐章以一段摄人心魄的双簧管独奏开始。The old prison camp is a haunting reminder of the country's dark past.这处旧时的战俘集中营使人时刻想起这个国家黑暗的过去。He's always haunting the secondhand shops for bargains.他总是去逛二手商店淘便宜货。The enemy's haunting fear was that we might make a surprise attack on them.敌军老是提心吊胆,怕我们会奇袭他们。The trio lend their haunting voices to several of the songs.三重唱小组以令人难忘的歌声吟唱了这其中的几首歌。He wrote a piece that includes some beautiful/haunting melodies.他写了首曲子,其中包括一些优美的/令人难以忘怀的旋律。The woodwind were haunting in the slow movement.慢板的木管乐器部分让人难以忘怀。It is haunting, melancholy music.这是萦绕心头的、让人伤感的音乐。Her novel is shot through with a haunting lyricism.她的小说充满了令人难忘的抒情描写。His guilty secret was haunting him.他一直被这个罪恶的秘密所困扰。He sings the haunting music with effortless bravura.他以精湛的技巧轻松演唱了那首令人难以忘怀的乐曲。The movie's haunting musical theme stayed in my head for days.那部电影主题曲萦绕于我的脑际,多日挥之不去。She spent much of her vacation haunting bookstores and antique shops.她假期的大部分时间都用来逛书店和古玩店了。He repeated the haunting melody.他反复哼唱着那个令人难忘的旋律。The haunting melody fits seamlessly within the song.这萦绕心头的旋律与歌曲配合得天衣无缝。The woodwind instruments were haunting in that concert.那场音乐会上木管乐器的演奏令人难以忘怀。His poems are haunting but opaque.他的诗给人印象很深但晦涩难解。The song opens with a single voice singing a haunting melody.这首歌以一段独声开头,其旋律萦绕人心。 |