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词汇 stamina
例句 Aerobic exercise helps to build up stamina.有氧健身操有助于增强耐力。With this exercise plan you will notice an enormous improvement in your stamina.按照这个计划进行锻炼,你会发现自己的耐力大大提高。He was a man of stupendous stamina and energy.他是个有着超强耐力、精力充沛的人。If a team played games back-to-back, the players' physical stamina would be affected.如果一个球队连续出赛,球员的体能会下降。She didn't have the stamina to complete the course.她没有精力完成这门功课。In order to be successful as a dancer, you need flair and stamina.成为一名成功的舞蹈演员需要天赋和毅力。What matters most is sheer stamina, the physical and mental ability to pick yourself up after the latest setback.最重要的是具备十足的耐力,是让自己从上一次挫折中振作起来的身体和心理素质。It takes strength and stamina to be a long-distance runner.要成为长跑运动员需要体力和毅力。The barb is a horse with great stamina.柏柏里马是一种耐力很强的马。Do you have the/enough stamina to finish the job?你有那个/足够毅力来完成这项工作吗?I wonder whether her stamina will hold out.我想知道她的耐力到底行不行。Waley had to call on all her reserves of stamina to win the marathon.为赢得马拉松比赛,韦利不得不全力以赴。Leroy alternated aerobic exercises with weight training to improve his stamina.勒罗伊交替做有氧操和负重练习,以增强耐力。His dancing technique is good, but he needs to work on his stamina.他的舞技不错,但还需要提高耐力。She had the strength and stamina to take the lead and win the gold medal.她有领先并夺金的体力和耐力。The triathlon is a great test of stamina.铁人三项运动是对耐力的极大考验。I'm not convinced his stamina will last out in such a fierce contest.我无法相信他的耐力能在这么激烈的比赛中撑到最后。Giving up smoking had a magical effect on his stamina.戒烟神奇地增强了他的体力。During the first Presidential debate, Trump criticized Hillary Clinton as "lacking Presidential stamina."在第一次的总统辩论中,川普批评希拉蕊缺少当总统所需要的毅力。The best activities for stamina are fairly energetic; they need to get you slightly out of breath.最能够锻炼耐力的是那些需要一定体能、能让人呼吸稍感急促的活动。These exercises build muscle and increase stamina.这些运动能强健肌肉、增加体力。You have to have a lot of stamina to be a top-class dancer.你必须有很强的毅力才能成为一流的舞蹈演员。Marathon is a great test of stamina.马拉松是对耐力的极大考验。He is working to improve his strength and stamina.他正加紧训练以增强体力和耐力。Final exams at college can be as much a test of stamina as of knowledge.大学里的期末考试既考知识也考耐力。You need stamina to be a long-distance runner.当长跑运动员需要耐力。Elaine has the stamina and the determination to succeed.伊莱恩具有成功所需的毅力和决心。I don't have the stamina to work all night.我没有毅力工作一整晚。I had no real store of stamina to resist starvation.我实在没有多少耐饥力。




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