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词汇 hates
例句 Robert hates going to parties.罗伯特讨厌参加聚会。He hates to lose when money is involved.涉及钱时,他就很不愿意输。She hates cooking.她不喜欢做饭。She hates all businessmen and, by extension, me.她恨所有的生意人,当然也包括我。He hates street circuits, preferring fast, open tracks.他讨厌街道赛道,更喜欢快速开阔的赛道。He hates all changes to his routine.他讨厌日程有任何变动。She hates her job and she's thinking about quitting.她讨厌自己的工作,正在考虑辞职。Football is one of her pet hates.足球是她最讨厌的东西之一。A competitive person loves to win and hates to lose.竞争心强的人喜欢赢讨厌输。She simply abhors exercise and hates to diet.她就是很不喜欢锻炼和节食。Tom hates school; it's a prison to him.汤姆不喜欢上学,学校对他来说是个牢笼。TV game shows are one of my pet hates.电视游戏节目是我最讨厌的节目之一。She hates to be hurried at dinner.她讨厌吃饭时被人催促。She hates me having any fun and is quite jealous and spoiled.她见不得我开心,嫉妒心强,被惯坏了。My brother hates it when our grandmother tweaks his cheek.我弟弟讨厌奶奶拧他的脸蛋儿。She hates her former self.她痛恨过去的她。Sometimes I think she hates me.有时候我认为她恨我。Jenny's mother hates her staying out late.珍妮的母亲不喜欢她晚上在外面呆得太晚。He hates being parted from the children.他不愿和孩子们分离。I can't tell whether she loves me or she hates me.我说不准她是爱我还是恨我。An example of projection is when someone thinks that everyone hates them because they hate themselves.情感投射的一个例子是,有些人自己都不喜欢自己,所以认为所有人也不喜欢他们。It's too late to invite any more people. Besides, you know how Tim hates parties.再邀请更多的人太晚了。而且你知道蒂姆不喜欢聚会。The back story of why she hates her father is a bit too contrived.她何以憎恨自己的父亲,这个背景故事编得太牵强。She hates anyone listening while she's telephoning.她不喜欢打电话时有人在一旁听着。She never got on with her father and she hates her new stepmother.她和爸爸从来就相处得不好,而且她非常恨她的新继母。He hates Los Angeles with all his heart.他真的讨厌洛杉矶。He hates to lose a day in the sun.他一天也不愿错过晒太阳的机会。If you're playing against Gary, I warn you, he hates losing!如果你要和加里比赛,那我提醒你,他这人输不起!He hates to be interrupted during training.他不喜欢在训练过程中被人打扰。She either loves you or hates you - it's all or nothing with her.她要么爱你,要么恨你——就这么极端。He hates waiting at the checkout.他讨厌在收银台等候。He hates his wife's constant nagging.他讨厌他妻子唠叨不休。Everyone hates losing an argument.谁都不愿意在辩论中输掉。She hates playing the sweet, passive women that audiences identify her with.她讨厌扮演那些漂亮可爱、消极被动的女人,观众们已把她定型为这类角色。He hates us and everything we stand for.他仇恨我们以及我们的任何主张。She likes straight talk and hates hypocrites.她喜欢直话直说,厌恶虚伪。Andrea's father was an absolute sadist. It's not surprising she hates him.安德烈娅的父亲绝对是个施虐狂,难怪她恨他。She hates to cook.她不喜欢做饭。Williams is a highly competitive player who hates losing.威廉斯是个争强好胜的运动员。An Anglophobe is a person who hates England or Britain.仇英者是憎恨英格兰或英国的人。




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