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词汇 Hannah
例句 Hannah yearned for a child, and felt desperately sad whenever she saw other women with their babies.汉娜渴望有个孩子,只要看到别的女人带着孩子,她就会极其难过。Hannah had always wanted to be a doctor.汉纳一直想当医生。Hannah's natural manner reassured him.汉娜轻松自然的举止打消了他的疑虑。Hannah fixed her grey eyes on me once again.汉娜那双灰色的眼睛又一次凝视着我。With a major deadline to meet, Hannah had been chained to her desk all weekend.为了赶上最后期限,汉娜整个周末都不得不伏案工作。At the mention of Hannah's name, he flew into an uncontrollable rage.一提汉娜的名字他就勃然大怒。Hannah preferred to wear her hair short.汉娜更喜欢留短发。Hannah's natural manner reassured her, and she relaxed.汉娜轻松自然的举止消除了她的疑虑,于是她放松了下来。Most of what Hannah told me wasn't true.汉娜告诉我的大部分事情都是假的。The woman wrote back by return of post, offering Hannah a job.那位女性立即写了回信,给汉娜提供了一份工作。Don't tell me you're cleaning the house on a Saturday night? Get a life, Hannah!别跟我说你周六晚上在打扫房间,汉娜,找点儿有意思的事!So, Alex is going out with Hannah. Who would have thought it?那么,亚历克斯在与汉娜约会。谁会想得到呢?Hannah was the guest of honour and presented the prizes.汉纳是嘉宾并颁发了奖品。Hannah arrived with her four kids in tow.汉娜到了,后面跟着她的四个孩子。You can tell that George and Hannah like each other, can't you?看得出乔治和汉娜彼此有好感,不是吗?Hannah looked weak and feverish and we decided to call the doctor.汉娜看上去很虚弱,在发烧,于是我们决定请医生来。Hannah's wasted in that clerical job.汉娜干那种文书工作是大材小用。Hannah laced her fingers together.汉娜十指相扣。Diana was crying, so naturally Hannah was upset.黛安娜当时在哭,自然汉娜会不安。Hannah grasped her hand.汉娜抓住了她的手。After she retired, Hannah wrote a book about her experiences as a war reporter.汉娜退休以后写了一本书,讲她当战地记者的经历。Hannah slipped out through a side exit.汉纳从一个侧门溜了出去。He and Hannah had been scuffling in the yard outside his house.他和汉娜一直在他房外的院子里扭打。Hannah outdid herself cooking for us.汉娜超常发挥,为我们做了饭。Pregnancy definitely suited Hannah because she looked blooming.汉娜确实适合怀孕,因为她看上去容光焕发。He had remained celibate for three years before he met Hannah.他在遇到汉娜之前禁欲了三年。Hannah grew up in a beautiful area of Ireland.汉娜在爱尔兰一个美丽的地方长大。Hannah was temporarily paralysed on the right side.汉娜右半身暂时瘫痪。Hannah lives with her parents.汉娜和父母住在一起。Hannah refused to allow his stick-in-the-mud attitude to spoil her fun.汉娜不允许他的保守态度破坏自己的兴致。Hannah scratched her head thoughtfully.汉娜一边思索一边挠头。Officially, Robert's in charge, but in practice Hannah runs the office.据称应该是罗伯特负责办事处的工作,但实际上却是汉纳在管。It was a difficult choice, but we finally decided that Hannah should have the prize.挑选起来很难,但我们最终决定汉娜应该获奖。Hannah is a natural musician, although modesty forbids her to say so.汉娜是天生的音乐家,尽管她出于谦逊并没有这样说。Unfairly sent to Coventry for two weeks, Hannah decided to run away from school.被大家不公正地冷落了两个星期后,汉娜决定逃学了。




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