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词汇 耳环
例句 He melts down coins to make into earrings and ornaments.他把硬币熔化掉,做成耳环和装饰品。She wore chunky earrings.她戴着沉甸甸的耳环I couldn't wear these earrings because my ears aren't pierced.我没法戴这些耳环,因为我没有穿耳孔。He was on his hands and knees looking for her earring.他趴在地上找她的耳环Earrings need to be taken out and cleaned once in a while.耳环要偶尔取出来清洗一下。She was sad to have lost a doublet of the earrings given to her by her grandmother.她因掉了她祖母给她的那对耳环中的一只而伤心。I wish I knew who'd swiped my earrings.我希望能知道谁偷了我的耳环Searching for your earring at the park will be like looking for a needle in a haystack.在公园里找你的耳环犹如大海捞针。The earrings were all I had eyes for.我只对耳环感兴趣。 She often wears accessories such as a diamond bracelet, a necklace and earings.她常常戴钻石手镯、项链、耳环等一类首饰。When I was sweeping up, I found an earring that I had lost.我打扫房间的时候找到了以前丢失的耳环One of my earrings is missing - have you seen it?我的一个耳环不见了,你看到过吗?We searched in vain for the missing earring. 我们寻找丢失的耳环,不过是白费力气。She somehow managed to find her earring in the sand.她不知道怎么就在沙子里找到了她的耳环Big earrings are the rage now.耳环是现在流行的东西。In the box was a pair of exquisitely shaped old earrings.盒子内装着一副造型精致的旧耳环She was wearing a diamond necklace with matching earrings.她戴着一条钻石项链和与之相配的耳环Huge earrings dangled from her ears.她耳朵上吊着大大的耳环I've lost an earring.我掉了一只耳环He gave her amber earrings set in silver.他送给她一对镶银边的琥珀耳环She felt pretty wearing her mother's earrings.她觉得戴着母亲的耳环很漂亮。Which earrings did you buy in the end - the triangles or the circles?最后你买了什么样的耳环——三角形的还是圆的?The earrings are beautiful! They're exactly what I wanted.耳环好漂亮啊!正是我想要的。She bent down to retrieve her earring.她俯下身去捡回她的耳环It was Renaissance portraiture that inspired these precious earrings.正是文艺复兴时期的肖像给了这些珍贵的耳环以灵感。Mark buys the earrings wholesale and then sells them for a profit.马克批量购买耳环,再把它们转售图利。Earrings, bracelets, and necklaces were all jumbled together in the box.盒子里放着耳环、手镯和项链,杂乱无章。A pair of jewelled earrings will liven up this dress without detracting from its simplicity.一对宝石耳环会让这件礼服更出彩而又不失简单大方。She got her earrings out of hock.她赎回了她的耳环Marcos noted the boy's earring with disapproval.马科斯很不以为然地提到了那个男孩的耳环You could make a bomb selling those earrings!卖那些耳环你可以赚一大笔钱!She was twiddling with her earrings.她在摆弄她的耳环I put on the pearl earrings Daddy had bought me.我戴上了爸爸给我买的珍珠耳环I have earrings just like those, except they're blue.我有一对耳环跟那一对很像,只是我的是蓝色的。Don't worry about your earrings - I'm sure they'll turn up sooner or later.别担心你的耳环一迟早会自己跑出来的。




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