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例句 Jill saw him and hailed him.吉尔看到了他,并和他打招呼。When it was first introduced, the birth control pill was hailed as a wonder drug.避孕药刚刚推出时,被誉为是一种灵丹妙药。A voice hailed him from the steps.台阶上有人喊他。Olivier was hailed as the leading classical actor of his generation.奥利维尔被誉为他那一代人中一流的经典戏剧演员。Lang's first film was immediately hailed as a masterpiece.朗格的第一部电影立即就誉为一部杰作。The deal was hailed by the Defence Secretary.该项协议受到了国防部长的称赞。The new service has been hailed a success.新推出的服务被认为很成功。We hailed the passing ship.我们冲着驶过的轮船呼喊示意。The scheme has been hailed as an unprecedented success.这个方案被誉为是一个空前的成功。US magazines hailed her as the greatest rock'n'roll singer in the world.美国各家杂志把她奉为世界上最伟大的摇滚歌手。She was hailed as a new Marilyn Monroe.她被誉为是又一个玛丽莲·梦露。The discovery is being hailed as The Holy Grail of astronomy.这一发现圆了天文学界的一个梦想。It hailed and poured all afternoon.夹杂冰雹的倾盆大雨下了整整一下午。He hailed this week's arms agreement but in the same breath expressed suspicion about the motivations of the United States.他为本周达成的武器协议而欢呼,但同时又对美国的动机表示怀疑。The President's speech was hailed as a conciliatory gesture toward business.总统的讲话被视为对商界的安抚性姿态,受到了欢迎。They hailed the signing of the agreement as a major diplomatic triumph.他们称协议的签署是一次重大的外交胜利。She went back into the cabin after Dr. Ford loud-hailed her.她在福特博士用扩音器呼唤她后回到舱里。He was hailed as a hero, mentioned in dispatches and finally given a medal.他被誉为英雄,得到了通报表彰,最后还获得了一枚勋章。The President's speech was hailed as a conciliatory gesture toward business.总统的讲话被视为对商界的安抚性表示,受到了欢迎。Within a week of publication, the novel was hailed as a masterpiece.出版仅一周,这部小说就被誉为杰作。The movie was hailed by critics as a triumphant piece of realism.评论家把这部电影誉为现实主义的杰作。Industry-watchers hailed the takeover as a triumph.行业观察家把这次收购誉为一个巨大的成功。She is being hailed as the new Marilyn Monroe.她被誉为新玛丽莲·梦露。The new drug has been widely hailed as a great breakthrough.这种新药是一项重大突破,受到了广泛推崇。He was hailed as a hero, mentioned in dispatches, and finally given a medal.他被奉为英雄,受到了通报表扬并最终获得了一枚奖章。He was hailed as a hero after the rescue.那次营救行动之后他就被誉为英雄。The story of the weeping statue is being hailed as a miracle by some.会哭泣的雕像的故事被一些人惊叹为奇迹。This new drug is being hailed as a major breakthrough in the treatment of cancer.这种新药被誉为癌症治疗的重大突破。He hailed a passing taxi.他招呼一辆路过的出租车。An ordinary priest, he was hailed by thousands as the new messiah.他是一个普通的神父,却被许许多多的人视为新的救世主。The crowd hailed the actress with joy.人群兴高采烈地向那位女演员欢呼。She's been hailed as one of the best young dancers today.她被誉为当今最有前途的年轻舞蹈家之一。An old friend hailed me from across the street.一个老朋友在马路对面和我打招呼。She is being hailed for her generosity.她因慷慨大方而受到称颂。He hailed down a taxi and got inside.他拦下一辆出租车坐了进去。She was hailed as the "funk queen" by her fans.她被她的粉丝称为放客女王。An old friend hailed me from the other side of the street.一位老朋友从街道对面招呼我。The new peace agreement is being hailed as a major breakthrough.新的和平协议被誉为是一次重大突破。It hailed the whole afternoon.整个下午冰雹下个不停。They hailed him king.他们拥立他为王。




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