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词汇 转过身
例句 I thought I heard a voice I knew; turning round, I saw my long-lost brother.我觉得我听到了一个熟悉的嗓音,转过身去一看,原来是我久无音讯的兄弟。Angrily, she turned her back on him.她生气地转过身背对着他。I turned aside to realign the photographs of my children on the shelf.转过身去把架子上孩子们的照片重新摆了摆。She turned toward him, her face aflame with embarrassment.她向他转过身去,窘得涨红了脸。She turned and walked away with long, loping steps.转过身,大步走开。Gerry just swung round and decked him.格里迅速转过身把他打倒在地。Not receiving an answer, she whirled round.没有得到答案,她猛地转过身去。I turned to speak to her.转过身去和她说话。Hearing a sarcastic note in his voice, she swung around to face him.听到他话中的讽刺口气,她猛然转过身面对着他。He turned and looked at her.转过身看着她。The sudden crash made her spin round and look back down the passage.突然传来哗啦一声,她立刻转过身往过道那头看去。The thieves sneaked in while the guard had his back turned.警卫转过身去时,小偷们就溜了进来。People twisted in their seats to see him.人们在座位上转过身去看他。He turned round, debating whether to go back.转过身,反复考虑着是否要回去。He turned over, reconnoitring the room.转过身,察看那房间。She turned and smiled faintly.转过身微微一笑。He stopped/froze in his tracks, turned, and came back.他突然停了下来,转过身,又回来了。He turned to meet the man's eyes squarely.转过身,直视那个人的双眼。The figure turned towards the sunrise.那人影转过身面对著东方。He turned and raced after the others.转过身,飞奔着去追赶其他人。Katharine spun round to face him.凯瑟琳猛地转过身,面对着他。Grace's face suddenly clouded over and she turned away.格雷斯的脸突然阴了下来,然后她转过身去。He moved round, pulling books off shelves.转过身去,取下架上的书。He turned and smiled at me.转过身朝我微笑。He turned to see her smiling fondly at him.转过身,看见她柔情地朝他微笑着。I turned to look inside the house in a reflex action.我习惯性地转过身往房子里看了看。She turned and smiled alluringly at Douglas.转过身对道格拉斯报以迷人的一笑。The twins turned and smiled at each other, sharing a private joke.两个双胞胎转过身相视一笑,分享着一个只有他们俩知道的笑话。He turned on his heel and marched away angrily.他猛地转过身,愤怒地大步离开了。He turned away to hide his tears.转过身去,不想让别人看到他的泪水。Jessica turned away with a haughty look on her face.杰茜卡脸上带着傲慢的神情转过身去。She turned away, trying to hide her confusion.转过身去,试图掩饰她的困窘。He turned around, balancing awkwardly on one foot.转过身去,笨拙地单腿站立着。He squared himself and prepared for the hit.转过身,准备迎击。I felt someone was following me, but when I turned around, there was nobody there.我觉得有人在跟踪我,可当我转过身去,那儿却没有人影。Diana turned about and marched out of the room.戴安娜转过身,走出了房间。She spun around to see what had happened.她猛地转过身去,看看发生了什么事。He swung round on the stranger.他蓦地转过身,面朝着那陌生人。He twisted in his chair to see what was happening behind him.他在座位上转过身去看他身后发生了什么事。Elaine turned and waved her hand lazily and left.伊莱恩转过身,懒懒地挥了一下手就走了。




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