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词汇 gushing
例句 One of the more gushing newspapers described the occasion as "a fairy-tale wedding".有些报纸更是夸大其词,其中一家把这一婚庆活动描述为“童话般的婚礼”。Everyone has been gushing over/about the baby.每个人都对这个宝宝赞不绝口。Tears were gushing from her closed eyes.从她紧闭的双目中泪水滚滚而出。Popular magazines are always gushing about his looks.流行杂志总是对他的外表极尽夸奖之能事。The knife wound was gushing blood.刀伤处鲜血喷涌而出。He delivered a gushing speech.他发表了非常煽情的讲话。She's rather gushing.她相当装腔作势。The gushing female voice was garbled, inarticulate.那滔滔不绝的女子说话声语句混乱,口齿不清。The government was gushing with plans for future oil development.政府一股劲地拿出一个又一个今后发展石油工业的计划。The director is equally gushing in his praise of the actor.导演对男演员同样进行了赞不绝口的夸奖。She was very gushing and very effusive.她非常热情奔放。Flooding was caused by water gushing into rivers from uplands.从山地奔流而下的水涌入河中引发了洪水。




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