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词汇 gunmen
例句 There were gunmen in some of the buildings who picked off our men as they went past.其中一些大楼里有枪手,我们的人经过时他们就开枪射击。The gunmen calmly walked away and escaped in a waiting car.持枪歹徒不慌不忙地走开,坐上一辆等候的汽车逃走了。The trucks tried to drive to the British base, running the gauntlet of marauding bands of gunmen.卡车队试图冲过几帮劫匪的火力网开赴英军基地。U.S. Marines were engaged in a firefight with local gunmen this morning.美国海军陆战队员与当地持枪歹徒今天上午交了火。Several attempts were made to negotiate with the gunmen.已经几次尝试要和持枪歹徒进行谈判。One of these gunmen pierced the protective cordon around the President's house.其中一个持枪人突破了总统住房周围的警戒线。The gunmen tracked down their target, despite the shroud of secrecy surrounding his whereabouts.尽管他行踪神秘,持枪歹徒还是追踪到了他。Fenton stood tall and stared down the gunmen.芬顿勇敢地直视着持枪歹徒,吓回了他们的目光。The gunmen opened fire with automatic weapons.歹徒用自动武器开火了。Two gunmen riddled the bus with gunfire.两个持枪歹徒开枪把公共汽车打得千疮百孔。Two unidentified gunmen opened fire on the Consulate van.两个身份不明的枪手向领事馆的小型货车开枪。The victims were simply unlucky enough to have been in the restaurant when the gunmen started shooting.持枪男子开枪时,那些受害者正好在那家餐厅里,真够倒霉。They could see that I was terrified, and hid me until the gunmen had disappeared.他们能看出我吓坏了,就把我藏起来,直到枪手消失为止。Two gunmen opened fire on a bus taking children to school.两名持枪歹徒朝一辆接孩子上学的公共汽车开了枪。The gunmen, lying in ambush, opened fire, killing the driver.埋伏的枪手开枪打死了司机。Police believe the gunmen ran off into the woods.警方认为持枪的歹徒逃到树林里去了。Our patrol came under fire from rooftop gunmen.我们的巡逻队遭到来自屋顶枪手的射击。Bands of gunmen have hijacked food shipments and terrorized relief workers.几伙持枪歹徒劫持了运输的食品,控制了救济人员。Her husband was murdered by gunmen as she watched.她亲眼目睹丈夫被持枪歹徒杀害。He was murdered at a presidential rally by gunmen in the pay of drug traffickers.他在一场总统竞选集会上被毒品贩子雇用的枪手谋杀了。Masked gunmen opened fire on the bus.蒙面的持枪歹徒朝公共汽车开了枪。His car was held up and he was abducted by four gunmen.他的车遭遇拦劫,人被四个持枪歹徒绑架。The gunmen were seized at 1 a.m.这几名持枪歹徒在凌晨一点被抓获。Rebel gunmen have put up strong resistance.持枪的叛乱分子进行了顽强抵抗。Police believe the gunmen got away in a white Ford pickup.警方认为这些持枪歹徒是开着一辆白色的福特皮卡逃走的。The gunmen are still holed up in the town.那几个持枪歹徒仍然躲在镇里。He was mowed down by gunmen after being lured from his home.他被诱出家门后,惨遭歹徒枪杀。The bus was taking people home when the gunmen, lying in ambush, opened fire.那辆公共汽车正载着人们回家时,埋伏着的枪手开了火。Rebel gunmen took up positions on rooftops as tanks entered the town.当坦克开进镇里的时候,持枪的叛乱分子占据了房顶的位置。The gunmen opened fire, killing a policeman and a passer-by.持枪者开枪打死了一名警察和一位路人。Heavily armed and masked gunmen stormed an ammunitions store in Co. Mayo.一群全副武装的蒙面持枪歹徒突然袭击了梅奥郡的一个军火库。The gunmen were lying in wait when Mr Predit came out of the hotel.当普雷迪特先生走出那家宾馆时那些枪手正埋伏在周围。Two policemen were killed when gunmen opened fire on their patrol vehicle.持枪歹徒朝警察的巡逻车开火,两名警察被打死。The gunmen ordered bank employees to lie on the floor.持枪歹徒命令银行职员趴到地板上。The gunmen paused only to cut the wires to the house, then vanished into the countryside.那些持枪歹徒停下来只是切断了连接到房子里的电线,然后消失在乡间。U.S. Marines had a firefight with local gunmen this morning.今晨美国海军陆战队士兵同当地持枪歹徒发生了交火。Rival gunmen blew the city to bits.敌人把这座城市炸成了一片废墟。Relief efforts have been stymied in recent weeks by armed gunmen.最近几周的救援工作一直受到武装分子的阻挠。Armed gunmen broke into the church and took the priest captive.武装分子冲进教堂劫持了神父。The gunmen sprayed the house with bullets. = The gunmen sprayed bullets into the house.持枪歹徒向这所房子扫射。




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