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词汇 gummed
例句 He gummed the envelope.他给信封涂上胶水。The new regulations have really gummed up the works in the office.新规定确实妨碍了办公室工作。Dirt had got inside the watch and gummed up the works.手表里进了污垢,把机件卡住了。I gummed the photographs onto the page.我把照片粘在书页上。It is a mild infection in which a baby's eyelashes can become gummed together.婴儿的睫毛粘在一起是轻度感染的表现。The office used to be very efficient, but the new regulations have gummed up the works. 这个办公室的工作人员过去工作效率很高,但是新的规章制度却使工作变得更加困难和缓慢。The house price chain is gummed up.房屋买卖价格链已经失控。Glue had gummed the pages together.胶水把两页粘在一起了。Some dirt got inside the gears and gummed up the works.齿轮里进了尘土,转不动了。The highway construction has really gummed up traffic.公路建设确实阻碍了交通。I thought she would fix the problem, but she gummed up the works.我原以为她会解决问题,可她却搞砸了。She was ordered to wash the margins of her eyelids carefully if they became gummed up.她被嘱咐说,如果眼皮粘住了,就小心地清洗眼睑边缘。The bearings are all gummed up with mud.轴承都被泥巴糊住了。My fingers gummed together as the candy melted.糖化时把我指头都粘住了。Something had gummed up the video recorder.什么东西把录像机卡住了。The machine gummed the back of stamps.那台机器给邮票的背面上胶。When he woke in the morning his eyes were all gummed up.早晨醒时,他两眼都粘住了。When I woke up this morning my eyes were all gummed up.今天早晨我醒来时,眼睛被眼屎给糊住了。The baby gummed her food.婴儿用牙龈咀嚼食物。The labels were already gummed to the envelopes.标签已经粘贴在信封上了。




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