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词汇 fish
例句 He caught fewer fish than the rest of us.他抓到的鱼比我们其他人抓到的都要少。Sometimes fish will only hit live bait.有时候鱼只咬活饵。These fish can grow to a length of four feet.这种鱼能长到四英尺长。Do you eat meat/fish/eggs?你吃肉/鱼/蛋吗?If there's a fish down there he'll catch it - he's a old pro.如果下面有鱼他就能捉到—他是个老手。The fishermen dragged the bay for fish.渔民们在海湾用拖网捕鱼。I never would have thought of putting this wine together with fish.我从没想过把这种酒和鱼搭配。Slowly the fisherman reeled in his line, bringing the fish ashore.垂钓者慢慢收绕鱼线,把鱼拉到岸上。The pike is the longest-lived of any freshwater fish.狗鱼是淡水鱼中最长命的。He felt a fish pull at his hook.他感到有鱼在咬钩。As ever, the meals are primarily fish-based.像往常一样,饭菜主要是鱼。Coat the fish in breadcrumbs and fry.把鱼裹上面包粉油炸。These small fish will soon fry.这些小鱼很快就能煎好的。Heat the fish under a grill and serve piping hot.把鱼放在烤架下加热,然后趁热端上桌。The fish were lying on huge blocks of ice to keep them cold.鱼放在大冰块上冷藏。The fish had a distinctive smoky flavour.这种鱼有一种独特的烟熏味。All that stuff about catching giant fish was just a bit of poetic licence.有关捕捉大鱼的所有内容只是一点破格罢了。It tastes like fish.它味道像鱼。At the moment they are all too busy pigging on fish and chips.现在他们都在埋头大吃炸鱼薯条。Dying fish were flopping about on the deck.垂死的鱼在甲板上扑腾着。He's gone to get some fish and chips.他去买炸鱼薯条了。This kind of fish lives in fresh water.这种鱼生活在淡水中。Tropical fish swam slowly around in the tank.热带鱼在鱼缸里慢慢地游来游去。The fish were caught in the meshes of the net.鱼被网线钩住了。Playing for the reserve team is a different kettle of fish altogether.在预备队里打比赛完全是另外一回事。How big do these fish grow?这些鱼能长到多大?Lift the fish and carefully place it on a large board, flat side uppermost.拿起鱼,小心地平放在一块大板上。He served the fish with a piquant sauce.他用辛辣的酱汁烧鱼。The fish stopped taking soon after breakfast.早饭后不久,鱼儿就不再上钩了。The fish smells off.鱼变味了。They fish in the shallow inshore waters of the Atlantic.他们在大西洋沿岸浅水海域捕鱼。A fish-bone stuck in his throat.他喉咙里卡了一根鱼刺。I would troll for fish from the rowboat.我会在划艇上拖钓。Quota systems were set up to prevent depletion of fish stocks.建立了限额制度以防止鱼类资源枯竭。Acid rain poisons fish, destroys forests, and corrodes buildings.酸雨会毒死鱼类,毁灭森林,腐蚀建筑。We'll have to address that problem tomorrow. Right now we've got other/bigger fish to fry. 我们明天得设法解决那个问题。现在,我们还有更重要的问题要处理。I don't like fish because I hate the bones.我不喜欢吃鱼,因为我讨厌鱼刺。When I was little, my family always had lots of pets - dogs, cats, hamsters, fish, rabbits - the whole nine yards.我小时候家里总是有许多宠物:狗、猫、仓鼠、鱼、兔子,应有尽有。The chef boned the fish before grilling it.厨师在烤鱼前剔去了鱼骨头。These myriads of fish would be enough to keep any swimmer entranced for hours.这些不同种类的鱼足以让任何一个游泳者数小时流连忘返。




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