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词汇 grime
例句 Appalled at the state of the kitchen, she set about scrubbing away the layers of grime and grease.厨房里的情况让她惊愕不已,于是动手把一层层的污垢和油污擦掉。Everything is covered in a thin layer of grime.所有东西上都积了薄薄一层灰。His hands were black with grime.他手上黑乎乎的全是污垢。Dirt and grime hung to their clothes.灰尘和污垢粘在他们的衣服上。The windows were coated with grime.窗户上覆盖着一层积垢。There were gaps between the floorboards where dust and bits of grime had gathered.地板之间有缝,里面积着灰尘和一块块污垢。The painting was obscured by discoloured / discolored varnish and a heavy layer of grime.脱色的清漆和厚厚的一层污垢使这幅画变得模糊不清。The windows were nearly opaque with grime.窗户满是污垢,几乎不透光。Over the years, the painting has become covered in a thick layer of grime.过了这么多年,画上覆有一层厚厚的灰尘。The walls were black with grime.墙上黑黑的,积满了灰尘。Kelly got the grime off her hands before rejoining him in the kitchen.凯莉把手上的污垢弄掉,然后重新回到厨房去帮他。Soap and water removed only a little of the grime on the coal miner's hands.肥皂和水只洗去那煤矿工人手上的一点点黑垢。Kelly got the grime off his hands before rejoining her in the kitchen.凯利洗去手上的污垢,又回到厨房来帮她的忙。On one wall of the entryway hangs a large oil painting, covered with grime.通道的一面墙上挂着一幅大型油画,画上布满了污垢。The bathrooms in this hotel are positively Dickensian - no hot water and grime everywhere.这家旅馆的浴室简直就像狄更斯书中的那样——不仅没有热水而且到处都是污垢。




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