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词汇 grey
例句 His grey jersey and trousers were sodden with the rain.他的灰色运动衫和裤子都被雨水浸透了。He saw the grey Land-Rover down the bypass. It was more than a hundred yards from him.他看见那辆灰色的路虎越野车停在不远处的边道上,离他一百码开外。A grey-haired woman was sitting at the reception desk.一个灰白头发的女子坐在接待处。Faint wisps of grey smoke puffed out.一缕缕灰色的轻烟被吹散了。A grey crane flew onto the tree.一只灰鹤飞到树上。Her grey hair had been cropped close to her skull.她的灰白头发紧贴头皮,剪得很短。The surface of the brain is pinky-grey and latticed with tiny blood vessels.大脑表层呈灰红色,上面的微细血管纵横交错,宛如一个个斜格子。He changed into the anonymous costume of grey cotton workpants.他换上了一般人穿的灰色工装裤。He was wearing a shapeless grey coat which really did not fit him.他穿着一件不成形的灰色外套,一点都不合身。Standing out in the sea of grey conformity is Mackay.麦凯坐落在苍茫的大海边,尤其醒目。His hair was increasingly flecked with grey.他头上的白发越来越多。The grey roofs glistened after the rain.雨后,灰色的屋顶黑得发亮。David Fincher paints from a palette consisting almost exclusively of grey and mud brown.戴维·芬彻几乎只用灰色和土褐色作画。His beard was just beginning to show signs of grey.他的胡子才刚有点泛白。His beard was showing some grey.他的胡子略显灰白。As well as sprouting a few grey hairs, Kevin seems to be suffering the occasional memory loss.除了长出几根灰头发外,凯文似乎还患上了间歇性失忆。Blanche's grey eyes gazed at Foker with an arch twinkle.布兰茜那对灰色眼睛滴溜溜的,露出调皮的闪光,瞧着福克。The building is impeccably modernist: glass, aluminium and grey.这座楼完全是现代主义风格:采用玻璃和铝质材料,以灰色作为基调。Hiroaki wanted white and I wanted black, so we settled on grey.广明想要白的,而我想要黑的,所以我们决定要灰的。It's hard to take them seriously in their pretty grey uniforms.他们穿着帅气的灰色制服时,很难对他们郑重其事起来。He was an old man with grey, grizzled hair.他是一位头发花白的老人。I never wear grey because it reminds me of my hateful school uniform.我从不穿灰色的衣服,因为那让我想起了令人讨厌的校服。The building is impeccably modernist: glass, aluminium, and grey.这幢建筑毋庸置疑是现代主义风格:使用玻璃、铝材和灰色调。A pall of thick grey smoke hung over the buildings.那些建筑物的上空笼罩着厚厚一层灰色的烟幕。Shades run from white to dark grey.颜色的浓淡从白到深灰,色色俱全。She had an elfin face and wide grey eyes.她长着一张小巧玲珑的面孔和一双灰色的大眼睛。There is not a grey hair on her head.她头上没有一根白发。He was wearing a grey suit as opposed to his usual check sports jacket.他穿着一套灰色西服,而不是平时穿的格子运动夹克。Her hair is starting to go grey.她的头发开始变白了。His dark grey flannel trousers were disreputable.他的深灰法兰绒裤子又脏又旧。She had a strongly defined chin, a high forehead, and light grey eyes.她有着轮廓分明的下巴、高高的额头和一双浅灰色的眼睛。She had cropped grey hair.她有一头剪得很短的灰白头发。Your natural hair colour begins to fade as you grow older, and eventually you go grey.头发原来的颜色会随着年龄的增长而变淡,最终成了灰白色。It was a plain, grey stone house, distinguished mainly by its largely unspoilt simplicity.这是一幢简朴的灰石房子,主要以其天然简约的风格显得与众不同。She's got grey hair.她的头发花白。I've asked him to shorten my grey trousers.我已经请他把我的灰色裤子改短一些。His face was grey and bloodless.他脸色苍白,没有血色。I was hypnotized by his steely grey eyes.我被他那双神情坚毅的灰色眼睛迷住了。The old man's beard was mostly grey.那位老人胡须大半花白。I saw a man with grey hair sitting in the car next to Jean.我看到车里有一个白发男子坐在琼的身边。




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