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词汇 greedy
例句 The greedy man had designs on her fortune.那个贪婪的人企图得到她的财产。There were ten of us children in the family, and we were all greedy for attention.家里有我们这十个孩子,个个都渴望得到关注。He was an ambitious man, selfish and greedy.他是个野心勃勃的人,自私而又贪婪。He was a ruthless and greedy businessman.他是个无情且贪婪的商人。Some landlords have become greedy and are demanding higher rents than people can afford.有些房东变得很贪,要求的房租超过了人们所能负担的。I am not being greedy. I just want to be paid what I believe I am worth.我并不是贪心,我只是想拿我自认为应得的薪水。They were a greedy bunch, no mistake.他们确实是一群贪婪的家伙。You greedy pig – you've eaten up all the food.你这只贪心的猪猡,你把所有的食物都吃光了。Hey, greedy guts, leave those sweets alone. They're mine.喂,贪吃鬼,别动那些糖果,那是我的。Genesis recorded a song which took a swipe at greedy property developers who bought up and demolished people's homes.吉妮西丝录制了一首歌来抨击那些买下人们的房子并将其拆毁的贪婪的房地产开发商。He writes about living in a greedy and superficial society.他描写了在一个贪婪且浅薄无知的社会里生活的情形。He looked at the gold with greedy eyes.他用贪婪的目光看着这些金子。The company is greedy for publicity.这家公司急于得到社会关注。The country has been bled white by a greedy dictator. 这个国家已经被贪婪的独裁者榨干了。He blames all his problems on greedy lawyers.他把自身所有问题都归咎于贪婪的律师。She is greedy and selfish.她既贪婪又自私。Don't be such a greedy guts!别这么贪吃!These are assertive, greedy people.这都是些武断而贪婪的人。The children were greedy for more candy.孩子们贪心地想要更多的糖果。He was greedy for his mother's affection.他渴望得到母亲的爱。Don't be so greedy! Leave some cake for everyone else.别那么贪吃!留点蛋糕给大家吃。The greedy pig! He didn't leave any pizza for us.这贪吃的家伙!他一点比萨饼都没留给我们。He attacked greedy bosses for awarding themselves big rises.他抨击那些贪心的老板为他们自己大幅加薪。Edith was seen as a conniving, greedy woman.人们认为伊迪丝是一个诡计多端的贪婪女人。She is notorious for being extremely greedy.她极其贪婪的污名而尽人皆知。Nelson launched into a blistering criticism of greedy lawyers.纳尔逊对贪心不足的律师发起了猛烈的抨击。Don't be so greedy!别那么贪吃!Take your greedy fingers off that pie - you've had more than enough already.把你贪婪的手指从馅饼上拿开—一你已经吃得够多的了。Mr. Smith is greedy beyond measure.史密斯先生贪得无厌。He brushed aside talk of greedy MPs voting themselves a backdoor pay rise.他没有理会有关一些贪婪议员自己投票、想要偷偷摸摸涨工资的说法。The dictator was greedy for power.那个独裁者贪图权力。I offered him half, but he got greedy and wanted the lot.我提出给他一半,但他很贪心,全部都想要。He was greedy for a promotion.他渴望得到晋升。His brothers were greedy and quarrelsome.他的弟兄们贪婪且喜欢争吵。My son sees life in black and white. To him, the world is full of greedy capitalists and underpaid workers.我儿子看待生活很绝对。在他看来,世界全是贪婪的资本家和薪水微薄的工人。




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