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He was a greatly respected member of staff.他是一名十分受尊重的员工。I greatly regret not having told the truth.我非常后悔没有说出实情。The industry has changed greatly with the appearance of new technologies.新技术问世后,这一行业出现了天翻地覆的变化。Their efforts greatly furthered the state of research.他们的努力极大地推进了研究的进展。The world's population has increased greatly.世界人口数量已大幅度增长。Rural economy has improved greatly in the past few years.过去几年农业经济有很大发展。I greatly prefer this version.我更喜欢这一版本。Sean's performance at school has greatly improved.肖恩在学校的表现进步很大。Next year we will greatly extend the range of goods that we sell.明年我们将大幅扩展所售商品的范围。She was greatly flattered by an invitation to visit the White House.她对受到邀请访问白宫感到很荣幸。Against all expectations, the play was greatly welcomed.出乎意料的是那出戏大受欢迎。These figures have been greatly exaggerated.这些数字已被极度夸大了。Once politics enters the picture, chances for a quick settlement are greatly reduced.一旦政治卷入其中,能迅速解决争端的可能性就大大降低了。The populace has suffered greatly.老百姓损失惨重。Allied transports suffered greatly from German submarine attacks.盟国的运输船受到德国潜艇攻击,损失惨重。Peden was greatly esteemed by the people of Ayrshire.佩登深受艾尔郡人的尊敬。Her technique has changed and improved greatly over the past few years.在过去的几年里,她的技巧有了很大改进。These figures and the last ones diverge greatly.这些数字与上次的数字有很大差异。Your help the other day was greatly appreciated.非常感谢你前几天提供的帮助。I was greatly moved by his story/kindness.他的故事/善良让我十分感动。We had greatly advanced in our knowledge of the world.我们在世界知识方面大有长进。I was deeply/greatly influenced by my parents.我受父母的影响很深/很大。I was greatly cheered by this news.这条消息使我大为振奋。Clean drinking water has greatly improved the villagers' quality of life.干净的饮用水极大地提高了村民们的生活质量。We were all greatly affected by the terrible news. 噩耗传来,我们都深感悲痛。Her politics and mine diverge greatly.她的政见与我的大不相同。Acceptance of women preachers varies greatly from denomination to denomination.在接受女性传教士的问题上,不同教派的态度大相径庭。The brisk pickup of business in abortion industry has greatly alarmed many people.堕胎行当的生意兴隆使许多人大为震惊。I was greatly impressed by the beauty of their art and the richness of their culture.我对他们的艺术之美和文化之丰富印象极为深刻。Application forms vary greatly in layout and length.申请表在格式和篇幅上差别很大。Although our views differed greatly, he was quite large-minded about it.虽然我们之间的观点大相径庭,但他对此气度恢弘。Her discomfort amused him greatly.她的不自在使他觉得极其好笑。He benefited greatly from the constant flow of visitors, as his father kept open house.他的父亲非常好客,他从来来往往的客人那里受益颇深。A light airy sun lounge greatly improves the quality of life for residents.一个明亮通风的阳光浴室极大地改善了居民的生活品质。Any criticisms you can make on my draft will be greatly appreciated.你对我的草稿所能作出的任何批评指正将得到由衷的感谢。Your suggestion has greatly contributed to the accomplishment of our work.你的建议大大地促进了我们工作的完成。A small adjustment can greatly improve the machine's performance.略微的调整可以大幅度提高机器的性能。They defeated a greatly superior Roman army.他们击败了一支十分强大的罗马军队。Kevin's school work is greatly improved, which is heartening.凯文的学习有了很大的进步,真让人高兴。He was greatly debilitated by lack of food.他因吃不饱而变得极为虚弱。 |