例句 |
I believe you have the makings of a great artist.我认为你具有成为大艺术家的素质。Whether he was a great artist or not, Dali was a superb technician.无论达利是不是一名伟大的艺术家,他都是一名卓越的技巧大师。Most people think of Leonardo da Vinci as a great artist, but he was also a great scientist.大多数人认为莱奥纳多·达·芬奇是位伟大的艺术家,但他也是一位伟大的科学家。Various circumstances cooperated to make him a great artist.各种不同环境共同促使他成为一个伟大的艺术家。He is a great artist.他是个伟大的艺术家。 |