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词汇 grave
例句 I have grave doubts that the documents tell the whole story.我对这些文件能否说明所有的问题深表怀疑。The man's digging his own grave by refusing an interview.这个人拒绝接受采访,那是在自己害自己。We went to the cemetery to visit my aunt's grave. 我们前往公墓给姑妈扫墓。From cradle to grave, the car marks every rite of American passage.在美国人的一生中,每一个重要阶段都有汽车的影子。There is grave concern about the number of teenage suicides recorded last year.去年记录的青少年自杀数字引起了人们的极大关注。It would be a grave error to change leaders before the election.在选举之前更换领导人将会铸成大错。They walked up and placed their bouquet of flowers on the grave.他们走上前,将花束放在坟头上。A headstone marks her son's grave.一块墓碑标明那是她儿子的墓穴。The bereaved mother stood by her son's grave.这位痛失孩子的母亲站在儿子的墓边。Two reporters had to help lower the coffin into the grave.两名记者不得不帮忙把灵柩慢慢地放进墓穴中。The men started to shovel dirt into the open grave.这些人开始往敞开的坟墓里铲土。She's drinking herself into an early grave.酗酒将使她早亡。The report expressed grave concerns about the safety of meat production.报告表达了对肉制品生产安全的深切关注。The casket was lowered into the grave.棺材被下放到墓穴中。She laid the bouquet on the newly-turfed grave.她把花束放在新铺了草皮的坟墓上。The President laid a wreath of flowers on the hero's grave.总统为英雄的墓地献了花圈。He drank himself to an early grave.他因酗酒早早地进了坟墓。He was shovelling earth into the grave.他正用铁锹把土填进墓穴里。He mounded the grave.他填土加固了这座坟。The grave problems of public hygiene are connected with the inefficient sewage system of the city.公共卫生方面的严重问题与该城低效率的污水处理系统有关。A simple wooden cross marked her grave.一个普通的木十字架标出了她坟墓的位置。The older people I know don't consider themselves to have one foot in the grave. They are full of optimism and live life to the full.我认识的老年人并不觉得自己行将就木。他们非常乐观,充分享受生活。He was buried in a shallow grave.他被埋进了一个浅墓穴中。They filed past the grave of the national hero.他们排成纵队走过那位民族英雄的坟墓。There is grave concern for the safety of witnesses.人们非常担心证人的安全。The diggers began shovelling the first clods of earth into the fresh grave.挖掘机开始将最初的几块土铲入新挖的坟墓。The poet's grave site has become a place of pilgrimage.那位诗人的墓地成了人们的瞻仰之地。Her face was so grave, I wondered for a moment if she'd found me out.她的表情如此严肃,我一时怀疑她是不是已经知道了我干的事。She puts fresh flowers on her husband's grave every Sunday.她每周日都要在丈夫的坟头上放一些鲜花。Some politicians have expressed grave misgivings about the scheme.一些政治家对这个计划表示了深深的怀疑。He died a pauper and is buried in an unmarked grave.他去世的时候身无分文,葬在一处无名的墓地。Even the grave old gentleman could not suppress a laugh.连那位严肃的老绅士都禁不住笑了。Hilary's face became very grave.希拉蕊的面容变得非常严峻。A mass grave has been discovered outside the town.城外发现了一个万人坑。They were silent as the grave.他们静默著,一言不发。He lies in an unmarked grave at Elmton.他长眠在埃尔姆顿一处无名冢下。The way Bill plays that piece would have Mozart turning in his grave.比尔把那首曲子演奏得令莫扎特在九泉之下都不得安宁。He is buried in an unmarked grave.他被葬在一处无名墓地。The old lady still influences the family from beyond the grave.这个老太太死后仍影响着全家。I entertain grave doubts about his honesty.我对他的诚实抱有极大怀疑。




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