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词汇 历史学家
例句 On studying the different historians' accounts, common threads emerge.研究不同历史学家的记载,会发现其中有共同的线索。The event was celebrated by poets and historians.这一事件为诗人和历史学家所赞颂。This is the acclaimed historian John Taylor's first sortie into fiction.这是著名的历史学家约翰‧泰勒第一次尝试写小说。Some historians have been dismissive of this argument.一些历史学家对这一论点不屑一顾。Historians must first select the facts that they present.历史学家必须首先对要陈述的事实加以选择。Many of these ideas have been neglected by modern historians.这些观念有许多都被现代的历史学家忽略了。Historians claim to have uncovered details of the writer's secret affair.历史学家声称发现了这个作家隐秘恋情的细节。The historian draws a parallel between Washington and Lincoln.这位历史学家将华盛顿和林肯作了比较。The archive is a gold mine for historians.这个档案馆对于历史学家来说就是一座宝库。She is a historian of great distinction.她是一位声望极高的历史学家Historians are skilled in collecting facts and interpreting them.历史学家擅长收集史实并作出解释。Historians are trying to decipher the meaning of the documents.历史学家正试图破解这些文献的含义。Some historians question the validity of oral data.一些历史学家对口头材料的真实性表示怀疑。Historians frequently ask to consult the collection.历史学家经常请求查阅收藏品。Historians have concurred with each other in this view.在这个观点上,历史学家已取得一致意见。Among other things, Churchill was an accomplished writer and historian.除了别的成就之外,丘吉尔还是一个有造诣的作家和历史学家The historian attempting to reconstruct the distant past is always faced with a difficult task.试图重现远古时代的历史学家始终面临一项艰巨的任务。Historians built him up as the champion of parliament.历史学家把他誉为议会的捍卫者。Revisionist historians have questioned the accepted version of events.修正主义历史学家对这些事件公认的说法提出了质疑。Most modern historians support this interpretation.多数现代历史学家支持这种解释。Recently historians have taken a far more balanced view of the Irish question.近来历史学家对爱尔兰问题所持的观点已经公正得多了。Historians looked to artists' representations of the lion to piece together a picture of how the lion once looked.历史学家寄希望于艺术家对这位名人的描绘,以完整呈现他从前的模样。Stone age civilization, veiled in mystery as it is, has provided the greatest challenge to historians.石器时代的文明仍披着一层神秘的面纱,对历史学家来说是极大的挑战。Historians brood about the study of man's past.历史学家关心的是研究人类的过去。These memoirs are a sourcebook for historians.这些回忆录是供历史学家参阅的原始资料。Only recently have historians begun to examine its impact and influence.直到最近,历史学家才开始考察其影响。He was a man of many parts: writer, literary critic and historian.他是个多面手: 既是作家,又是文学评论家和历史学家Historians annotate, check and interpret the diary selections.历史学家对日记选篇进行加注、核查以及阐释。American historians are dismayed at the condition of the texts stored in the library.美国历史学家对于该图书馆文本的保存情况很失望。She often writes as a social historian, though never dully.她经常作为一名社会历史学家进行写作,不过作品从不索然无味。Historians annotate, check, and interpret the diary selections.历史学家对这部日记精选进行注释、核对与解读。It is only fairly recently that historians have begun to investigate the question.只是到最近历史学家才开始探究这个问题。Historians should strive after objectivity.历史学家应当力求做到客观。Pottery fragments are of great value to historians.陶瓷碎片对于历史学家很有价值。Books written in the present day by historians are secondary sources.历史学家们现在写的书都是第二手资料。Few historians would dissent from this view.历史学家中几乎没有对此观点持异议的。These are subjects generally neglected by historians.这些是历史学家通常会忽略的话题。Historian Michael Beschloss debunks a few myths.历史学家迈克尔·贝施洛斯破除了几个不实传言。Historians disagree on the cut-off date for the medieval period.历史学家们在中世纪的结束时间这个问题上有分歧。My father was a historian of repute. His speciality was the history of Germany.我的父亲是一名颇有名气的历史学家,他专门研究德国历史。




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