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词汇 gratitude
例句 He almost wept in gratitude when he saw the money.看到那笔钱时,他几乎感激涕零。She began to pray a prayer of sincere gratitude.她开始祈祷,诚挚而充满感激。We are bound to him by gratitude.感激之情使我们和他关系密切。They also expressed their gratitude for the thousands of messages of condolence and support they have received.他们还对收到的数以千计表示哀悼和支持的信函表达了感激之情。They deserve our gratitude for all the work they do.他们所做的一切值得我们感激。The depth of my gratitude is not expressible in words.我的感激之情是无法用言语来表达的。Consider this gift a token of my affection/gratitude.把这份礼物看作是我挚爱/感激的象征。John felt an immense gratitude to Wilson.约翰极为感激威尔逊。She smiled, politely rather than with tenderness or gratitude.她只是出于礼貌地笑了笑,而非出于关心或感激。I remember them with gratitude.我心存感激地记着他们。It would be nice to show your gratitude every now and then.时常表示一下感激之情是好的。They shed tears of joy/gratitude when they heard the news.他们听到那个消息时流下了高兴/感激的泪水。I owe a big debt of gratitude to her.我对她万分感激。We owe them a debt of gratitude for all the help they've given us.对他们给予的所有帮助,我们感激不尽。I cannot express my gratitude for your kindness.我无法用语言表达对你这份好意的感激之情。I think our main feeling would be of an immense gratitude.我觉得充斥我们心中的将是一种强烈的感激之情。His heart flowed with gratitude.他内心感激万分。I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to the staff for their patience.我要对全体员工的耐心表示深深的感谢。We remember with gratitude those who died defending our country.我们心存感激地铭记着那些为保卫祖国牺牲的人们。I wish to express my gratitude to Kathy Davis for her immense practical help.凯茜·戴维斯实实在在地帮了大忙,我想对她表示感谢。We owe a great debt of gratitude to our families for their support.我们非常感激家人给予的支持。He had won her undying gratitude.他让她感念一生。At last he found a proper way to give expression to his gratitude.最终他找到了适当的方式表达了自己的感激之情。You have our undying gratitude.我们对你永存感激之情。He never lost his sense of gratitude to the country that had given him a home.对于这个给了他安身立命之所的国家,他一直心存感恩。His heart overflowed with gratitude.他的心里充满了感激之情。There's gratitude for you!这就是对你的报答!My heart was overflowing with gratitude.我心里充满了感激之情。Her arms tightened about his neck in gratitude.她充满感激,把他的脖子搂得更紧了。Since time began, people have honoured their parents in gratitude for the very gift of life.自古以来,人们敬重父母,以感谢他们给予生命的恩赐。What touched him the most was her obvious gratitude.最触动他的,是她溢于言表的感激之情。She felt an immense gratitude to Wilson.她对威尔逊无比感激。We owe a great debt of gratitude to those who went before us.我们对前人满怀感激。The people who do this dangerous work are real-life superheroes who deserve our gratitude.做这种危险工作的人才是值得我们感激的真正的大英雄。Really, I hardly know how to express my gratitude.我真不知道如何表达我的感激之情。I expressed my gratitude to the man at the BBC.我向英国广播公司的人表达了感激之情。I sent him some money as a token of my gratitude.我寄了些钱给他聊表谢意。Her heart is overflowing with gratitude.她满怀感恩之情。She accepted his offer with gratitude.她满怀感激地接受了他的帮助。My heart filled with gratitude for his kindness.我心里非常感激他的好意。




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