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词汇 cause of death
例句 The cause of death was a shotgun blast at close range.死亡原因是近距离猎枪射击。The cause of death was listed as pending.死因被列为尚未确定。He gave the cause of death as multiple injuries.他说多处受伤导致了死亡。The doctor determined the cause of death.医生确定了死亡原因。The cause of death was strangulation.死者是被勒死的。The newspaper did not report the cause of death.报纸没有报道死因。The police never actually determined the cause of death.警方实际上从未查明死因。The most frequent cause of death is heart disease.最常见的死因是心脏病发作。Medical negligence may be the cause of death. 医疗疏忽可能是病人致死的原因。In developed countries, cot death is the main cause of death between the ages of one week and one year.在发达国家,婴儿猝死是一周到一岁的婴儿死亡的主要原因。Smoking is the biggest preventable cause of death and disease.在可以预防的引发死亡和疾病的因素当中,吸烟排在第一位。The cause of death was cardiac failure.死因是心脏衰竭。The cause of death of the victim has to be determined by the coroner's inquest.被害者的死因必须由法医的审查来决定。Police said they were keeping an open mind about the cause of death.警方说他们不会对死因擅下结论。A postmortem was ordered to try to ascertain the cause of death.下令验尸以查明死因。Lung cancer has now overtaken breast cancer as a cause of death for women in the US.肺癌现在已经取代乳腺癌成为美国女性的一大杀手。The coroner said the cause of death was a stroke.验尸官说死亡原因是中风。The cause of death was a broken neck.死因是断了脖子。Malnutrition was considered to have been a contributory cause of death.营养不良被认为是导致死亡的原因之一。As for the cause of death, well, you'll have to wait till I get her on the table.至于致死原因,嗯,你得等到我把她放上解剖台验尸后才能知道。The report states that the probable cause of death was a heart attack.该报告称死因可能是心脏病。The cause of death was not made public.死因没有公布。The probable cause of death was heart failure.死因很可能是心力衰竭。It was almost impossible to pinpoint the cause of death.几乎不可能确认死因。The autopsy report gave the cause of death as poisoning.验尸报告上显示死因为中毒。An autopsy was being done to establish the cause of death.正在进行尸检以确定死亡原因。Oil pollution is the commonest cause of death for seabirds.石油污染是造成海鸟死亡最常见的原因。Homicide is the leading cause of death among black men.谋杀是黑人死亡的主要原因。The test revealed the true cause of death.化验揭示了真正的死因。Heart disease is the leading cause of death in many Western countries.心脏病在许多西方国家是一个主要的致死病因。An autopsy will be performed to determine the cause of death.将进行尸体解剖以查明死因。The cause of death has not yet been established.死因尚未确定。The immediate cause of death was pneumonia.导致死亡的直接原因是肺炎。




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