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词汇 a party
例句 Your place is too small for a party. Let's have it at mine.你的住处举行聚会太小了,还是在我家举行吧。I'm going to a party on Saturday.我星期六要参加一个聚会。You can't have a party without asking your flatmate first.你不先问问你的室友就不能搞聚会。The speaker emphasized the cardinal importance of building a party to lead the country.演讲者强调了建立一个政党来领导该国的根本重要性。They have no legal power to expel a party member.他们没有合法权力开除一位党员。When he throws a party, he really pulls out all the stops.他举行派对总是全力以赴。We had a party to celebrate the millennium. 我们举办了聚会庆祝千禧年。I met some friends at a party and then we went on to a club.我在聚会上遇到一些朋友,然后我们去了夜总会。I hadn't been there long before someone got talking to me and invited me to a party.我在那里没多久,就有人来跟我说话并邀请我参加聚会。There's going to be a party to celebrate the completion of the project.将会举办一次聚会来庆祝工程的完工。Let's have a party to celebrate our reunion.我们安排一次聚会来庆祝团聚吧。I got him to come to a party, which was something of a coup.我说服了他来参加聚会,实属意外之得。I always seem to get lumbered with the job of clearing up after a party.每次聚会结束后我似乎总要被抓住打扫卫生。His attempts to arrange a party ended up as a comedy of errors.他尝试安排聚会,结果闹了笑话。I was at a party in London that night.那天晚上我在伦敦参加一个聚会。If we're going to have a party, we might as well go the whole hog and hire a band.如果我们要办派对,就索性请个乐队吧。Jane and I met through a mutual acquaintance at a party.简和我是在一次聚会上通过一个共同的朋友认识的。Designate a driver who won't be drinking before going to a party or club.去晚会或夜总会前选定一个不饮酒的司机。It is a long time since a party leader delivered such a dreadfully flat speech as he did yesterday.很久没有政党领导人作他昨天那样乏味透顶的演说了。She always brightens up a party.她总能使聚会增色不少。We're having a party on Saturday. Can you come?我们周六要办个聚会。你能来吗?It's a party - let yourself go!这是个聚会——尽情地玩吧!They met at a party and clicked right away.他们在聚会上相识,立即一见如故。We secretly organized a party for her, but then Bill messed everything up by telling her about it.我们偷偷地给她办了个晚会,可是比尔却告诉了她,把一切都打乱了。Forgetting to introduce your guests to one another is a big no-no when hosting a party.主持聚会时忘记介绍客人相互认识是一大忌。It was quite a party. You've never seen such a rogues' gallery in your life.那是一次非同寻常的社交聚会。谁也未曾见到过那么些丑类都凑在一起。We are having/giving/throwing a party.我们要举行聚会。Every time she goes to a party she gets pissed.她每次参加聚会都会喝醉。He mentioned something about a party, but he didn't say when it was.他提起过聚会的事,但没说什么时候举行。I haven't seen her recently. The last time we met was at a party.我最近没见过她。上一次我们见面是在一个聚会上。My friends talked about holding a party.我的朋友们谈到要举行一个聚会。She threw a party and invited all the local nobs.她举办了个派对,邀请了所有当地的大人物。I met your double at a party last night. I really thought it was you.昨夜在晚会上我碰见一个长得极像你的人,我还真当是你呢。I think a party is a splendid idea!我认为举行派对是个非常好的主意!To function effectively, a party leader has to be attentive to people's needs.党的领导人必须关心人民的需要,才能有效地行使职能。We gave a party and everybody came and I think it was a smashing success.我们举办了一个派对,所有人都来参加了。我认为派对非常成功。I felt certain she was a party to his deception.我觉得她肯定是他欺诈行为的同谋。When he has a party, he likes to go all out. 他举办晚会时,总喜欢把晚会办得隆重奢华。She took a party of little orphans on a holiday treat to a zoo.她带一群孤儿去动物园,作为假日款待。The fact that a party can be voted into power by a minority of the electorate calls into question the country's electoral system.赢得少数选民的政党也能当选执政,这引发了人们对该国选举制度的怀疑。




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