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词汇 伯爵
例句 Earl Grey, Darjeeling and Jasmine are best-selling traditional teas.伯爵茶、大吉岭茶和茉莉花茶是最畅销的几种传统茶叶。Dominican liked to treat the Count as an equal, an impudence the Count tolerated because it amused him.多米尼加人喜欢平等对待伯爵;这一放肆行为得到伯爵的容忍,因为这令伯爵很愉快。That's Warwick Road, just opposite Earls Court tube station.那是沃里克路,就在伯爵宫地铁站对面。He invited the excited Count to follow him through a dark cloister and into the abbey church.他邀请兴致勃勃的伯爵跟随他穿过一条幽暗的回廊进入修道院教堂。As a reward he was created Earl of Sandwich.作为奖赏,他被册封为桑威奇伯爵He became the fourth earl on the death of his father.他父亲去世后,他成为第四代伯爵The count challenged him to a duel.伯爵邀他决斗。He leased the farm from the old count.他从老伯爵那儿租得这个农场。The Earl didn't have the money or good judgement to employ a steward to manage the place for him.这位伯爵既没钱也没有良好的判断力去雇用一名管家替自己管理这所房子。In Shakespeare's play "King Lear" the Earl of Gloucester's eyes are gouged out.莎士比亚的《李尔王》一剧中,格洛斯特伯爵的眼睛被挖了出来。Roberts is known to use a number of aliases, including Bill Smith, Paul Williams, and even Count Von Blixenburg.据知罗伯茨用过许多化名,包括比尔·史密斯、保罗·威廉斯,甚至冯·布利克森堡伯爵Her father was a Polish Count.她父亲是波兰的一位伯爵The Earl had installed a steward to manage the castle household.伯爵雇用了一位管家来管理城堡内务。The Earl of Essex was a famous Elizabethan.埃塞克斯伯爵是伊丽莎白一世时代的一位名流。The late Earl passed on much of his fortune to his daughter.已故伯爵将他的大部分财产传给了女儿。Effie had an impressive pedigree. Her great-grandfather was the Earl of Pemberton.埃菲血统非常高贵。她的曾祖父是彭伯顿伯爵He arrived at the party got up as Count Dracula.他穿成德拉古拉伯爵的样子来参加派对。He banishes Kent, a loyal servant to King Lear.他流放了李尔王忠实的臣子肯特伯爵The most famous vampire is Count Dracula of Transylvania.最著名的吸血鬼是特兰西瓦尼亚的德拉库拉伯爵The count lived in that big house.伯爵曾经住在那幢大房子里。I flatted with a guy in Earl's Court when I lived in London.我在伦敦时和一个人同住过伯爵府的公寓。




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