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词汇 grandfather
例句 My grandfather was very Victorian.我的祖父非常传统。My grandfather had a weak heart.我祖父心脏虚弱。His grandfather was Greek, hence the surname.他祖父是希腊人,所以才有这一姓氏。My grandfather was very fond of handing out advice to all my friends.我祖父喜欢对我的每一位朋友都大赠忠告。As a child I remember being riveted by my grandfather's appearance.我记得小时候觉得祖父的相貌很迷人。Bratby's grandfather had been artistically inclined.布拉特比的祖父很有艺术天分。The first time I ever saw a dead body was at my grandfather's funeral.我第一次看到尸体是在祖父的葬礼上。By a strange coincidence the king was assassinated on the very spot where his grandfather had been killed.巧得出奇,国王是在他祖父被害的地方遭人暗杀的。He vented his spite on his grandfather.他向祖父泄愤。Tom's grandfather is over 80, but he still plays golf.汤姆的祖父已年过八十,但仍在打高尔夫球。The grandfather clock gave off its hourly chime.这个落地式大摆钟敲响整点的钟声。My grandfather learnt shoe-making as an apprentice to a master craftsman.我祖父跟一位大师傅当学徒,学会了制鞋。They could not hammer any new idea into their grandfather's head.他们无法向祖父灌输任何新思想。The church supper is the grandfather of the country club.教堂的晚餐聚会是乡间俱乐部的前身。My grandfather was secretary of the Scottish Miners' Union.我的祖父是苏格兰矿工工会干事。My grandfather's last request was that there should be no flowers at his funeral.我祖父最后的遗愿是葬礼上不要有花。Her grandfather on her mother's side was Italian.她外祖父是意大利人。My grandfather was used to having everything done for him.我祖父习惯于样样事情都由别人给他做。I'm sorry, but your grandfather has passed.我很难过,但您的爷爷已经离世了。His grandfather had met an untimely end as the result of too much whisky.他的祖父因为过量饮用威士忌而早逝。Her grandfather often appears to her in her dreams. 她的祖父经常出现在她的梦中。His grandfather was a dedicated follower of Marcus Garvey.他的祖父是马库斯·贾维的坚定追随者。My grandfather told us tales of faraway lands.我祖父给我们讲过有关遥远国度的故事。She wanted to see her grandfather once more before he died.她想在祖父去世之前再看他一眼。Her grandfather died before she was born.她的祖父在她出生前就去世了。For a moment, I thought that my grandfather had come back from the dead.那一瞬间,我还以为爷爷死而复生了。Adam spent a lot of time in his grandfather's office.亚当经常呆在他祖父的办公室里。He had green fingers, my grandfather. He could grow anything.我祖父很会侍花弄草,他什么都会种。!Robert's grandfather was given the baronetcy after the war.战后,罗伯特的祖父被授予准男爵爵位。Aspirin, after all, is the grandfather of all nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.阿司匹林毕竟是所有非甾体消炎剂的鼻祖。He was named Mark after his grandfather.他以祖父的名字命名为马克。He always seemed old to me, more like a grandfather than a father.我总感到他长相见老,更像祖父而不是父亲。 A grandfather clock ticked away in a corner.一只落地式大摆钟在墙角嘀嗒作响。My grandfather had among his possessions a portrait by Matisse.我祖父有一幅马蒂斯画的肖像画。After his heart attack, my grandfather always felt that he was living on borrowed time.自从得了心脏病后,祖父总觉得自己大限已近。His perspicacious grandfather had bought the land as an investment, guessing that there might be gold underground.他睿智的祖父投资买下了这块地,认为地下可能有黄金。My grandfather kept his teeth in a glass next to his bed.我祖父把他的假牙放在床边的一个玻璃杯里。Whatever became of the painting that used to be in your grandfather's library?过去放在你祖父藏书室里的那幅画究竟怎么样了?His grandfather is not long for this world.他爷爷将不久于人世了。My grandfather was venerable for his age, his uprightness, and sagacity.我祖父以他的年长,正直和睿智而受人尊敬。




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