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词汇 gracefully
例句 She loved the gracefully high ceiling, with its white-painted cornice.她喜欢这里高高的天花板,它造型优美,还带有一圈漆成白色的飞檐。The dancers moved gracefully to the music.舞者随着音乐优雅起舞。She came gliding gracefully into the ballroom in a long, flowing gown.她身着一袭飘逸的礼服,优雅轻盈地快步走进舞厅。As all film stars know, it's almost impossible to get out of a car gracefully.所有电影明星都知道,几乎不可能做到很优雅地下车。The grey horse came trotting gracefully across the field.那匹灰马优雅地小跑着穿过田野。He bowed out gracefully.他体面地退出了。Our only companion is the wandering albatross, which glides effortlessly and gracefully behind the yacht.陪伴我们的仅有那只盘旋的信天翁,它在游艇后面优雅轻盈地翱翔。The swan landed gracefully on the water.天鹅优雅地落在水面上。She wanted to grow old gracefully, and retire to a cottage in the country.她想优雅地老去,躲到一个乡村小屋里安度晚年。She rose gracefully to her feet.她优雅地站起身来。She floated gracefully across the stage.她轻盈优雅地走过舞台。Her long hair trailed gracefully behind her.她的一头长发优雅地飘曳在身后。She pivots gracefully on the stage.她在舞台上优雅地旋转。The boat sailed gracefully on into the distance.小船飘然驶向远方。He swam gracefully, with easy, unhurried strokes.他游泳很优雅,划水动作轻松自如,不慌不忙。He had bowed out gracefully when his successor had been appointed.他在继任者被任命后体面地引退了。The dancers moved gracefully.舞蹈演员们翩翩起舞。She stepped gracefully onto the stage.她仪态万千地走上舞台。A great deal of bitter experience had taught him how to lose gracefully.大量惨痛的经历让他学会了如何坦然面对失败。The gymnast poised herself on the balance beam gracefully.体操运动员优美地立在平衡木上。We managed to decline gracefully.我们设法婉拒了。The rocket arced gracefully into the sky.火箭升空,在空中划出一条优美的弧线。She had served her purpose gracefully and well, and he owed her something.她既得体又出色地解决了问题,他欠她个人情。Whirling gracefully, they crossed the dance floor.他们优雅地旋转起舞,穿行于舞池中。She sank gracefully down onto a cushion at his feet.她优雅地坐到他脚边的垫子上。A rainbow arced gracefully over the town.彩虹在小城上空画出了一道优美的弧线。The dancers moved gracefully across the stage.舞蹈演员们以优雅的舞步穿过舞台。She rose gracefully from her seat.她优雅地从座位上站起身来。The snow goose flew down low over the field and then soared back up gracefully.那只雪雁俯冲下来在田野上低飞,然后又优雅地飞回空中。




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