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词汇 go up to
例句 Our history textbooks only go up to the World War Ⅱ.我们的历史教科书仅写到第二次世界大战。Just go up to him and say hello.走过去跟他打声招呼吧。I had a lump in my throat watching Rick go up to get his prize.看着里克上去领奖,我的喉咙哽咽了。He usually goes up to London on the sleeper.他通常乘卧车去伦敦。Let's go up to London next week.下周我们去伦敦吧。Let's go up to the office and settle the business end of things.咱们上楼到办公室去把公事搞定。They'll be able to go up to London midweek.他们将可以在周中去伦敦。Davalillo goes up to pinch-hit.达瓦里洛上场替补击球。We think you've improved sufficiently to go up to a higher set.我们认为你进步了,能够升到高一级的班上。Max goes up to Scotland to fish every summer.马克斯每个夏天都北上苏格兰去钓鱼。If you don't subsidize ballet and opera, seat prices will have to go up to pay for it.如果你不为芭蕾和歌剧提供补贴,就得提高剧场票价来为此买单。I usually go up to London on the sleeper.我通常坐卧铺去伦敦。He will go up to Cambridge next term.下学期他将进剑桥大学。




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