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词汇 Anything
例句 You mustn't go there alone at night. Anything might happen!你绝不能一个人晚上去那里。任何事都可能发生!Anything to do with computers fascinates him.与电脑有关的任何事都使他入迷。Anything that grabs your attention is good in adland.凡是能吸引注意力的就是好广告。Anything I told her went in at one ear and out at the other.不管我跟她说什么,她总是当耳边风。Anything we told him went in at one ear and out at the other.不管我们对他说什么,他总是当耳边风。Anything at all will do.不论什么都可以的。Anything new or peculiar puts us upon the lookout to detect a possible absurdity.任何新奇的事物一出现,我们总想要找找有没有不合情理之处。Anything embarrassing I inked out.所有令人尴尬的内容我都用墨水划掉了。Anything socially practical is good per se.任何具有社会实用性的事物本身就是好东西。Anything out of the ordinary made her nervous.任何稍不寻常的事都会使她感到惶恐不安。Anything written with a soft pencil smears easily.用软铅笔写的东西容易被擦糊。Anything the US does is likely to have an impact on a global scale.美国的一举一动都有可能产生全球性影响。Anything would be better than this.无论什么都要比这个好。Anything could happen.什么事都可能发生。Anything anybody said to him to try and buck him up wouldn't sink in.任何人对他说的任何劝他振作起来的话都不会起作用。Okay, I'll put on a tie and jacket. Anything you say.好,我会穿上西装打上领带全照你说的做。Anything that's cheap this year will be even cheaper next year.今年的便宜货明年会更便宜。Anything associated with him is a collectable item.与他相关的任何东西都值得收藏。Anything relating to maths is a complete mystery to me.和数学有关的任何东西对我来说都完全是天书。Anything black absorbs most of the light rays that fall on it.任何黑色的东西都能吸收照射到它上面的大部分光线。Emma helped herself to a large slice of cake. Anything to oblige.埃玛自己拿了一大块蛋糕。别人要她做什么她就做什么。Anything could happen in the next half hour.接下来的半小时内什么事都可能会发生。Anything you do wrong will be chalked up against you.你所做的任何错事将被记下作为反对你的理由。Anything made of wood needs to be protected from the weather.任何木制品都需要好好保存,以免受天气影响。Anything that will mean a better deal for our children gets my vote.凡对我们的孩子有好处的事我都赞成。Anything you say will be taken down, and may be used in evidence.你说的都会被记下,并有可能作为证词。Anything that could save the company money and perk up its cash flow was examined.任何能节省公司成本并增加流动资金的办法都被认真研究过。Anything I say has to stand on the strength of its argument.不管我说什么,落脚点就是观点要有说服力。Anything which threatens the permanence of the treaty is a threat to peace.任何危及这项条约持久性的因素都是对和平的威胁。Anything with strong gravity attracts other things to it.任何有较强重力的物体都会对其他物体产生引力。Anything you tell us is in the strictest confidence.你告诉我们的任何事情都会绝对保密。He condemned the descriptivist view of language as an "Anything Goes" school.他把语言描写主义观点斥为一种“随心所欲”的做派。Anything that slows down the operation, immediately puts the patient in peril.任何延误手术的事都会立刻将此病人置于危险之中。Anything is possible with enough time and planning.只要时间充足、计划周详,任何事都是可能的。Anything less than total victory would amount to failure/failing. 若非完胜无异于失败。Anything to do with planes and flying fascinates him.一切有关飞机和飞行的东西都令他着迷。Anything to do with the Royal Family goes down a bomb with tourists.与王室有关的任何东西都大受游客的欢迎。Anything worth doing is worth doing the hard way.凡是值得干的事就值得付出代价去干。Anything you say to the police can be used as evidence against you.你对警方所说的任何话都可能成为呈堂证供。Anything you say may be used as/in evidence against you.你说的每一句话都有可能被作为对你不利的证据。




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