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Hey you two! Quit goofing off and do some work!嘿,你们两个!别偷懒了,快做点事吧!He's been goofing off at school.他在学校里一直混日子。Anyone who does consistently good work doesn't need to worry about occasionally goofing off on the job.工作一直出色的人偶尔偷偷懒也没有关系。The teacher told them to stop goofing off and get back to work.老师让他们不要偷懒了,赶紧开始学习。He spent the day goofing off instead of working.他不去工作,整日游手好闲。He'll never get his studying done if he spends half his time goofing off.如果他一半的时间在吊儿郎当,他决不可能完成他的学业。 |