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词汇 good value
例句 We aim to offer good value and service to all our customers.我们力求为所有的客户提供物有所值的商品和服务。The three-course menu is good value for money.这种三道菜的套餐物有所值。You get good value for money in that shop.在那家商店买东西很划算。The merchandise is reasonably priced and offers exceptionally good value.这些商品定价合理,很是划算。The lunch special is really good value.特价午餐非常合算。I take his wages because I give good value for them.我接受他付我的工钱,因为这完全是我劳动应得的报酬。The CD-ROM encyclopedia is a good value because the printed encyclopedia set sells for twice as much.光盘版百科全书很划算,因为印刷的百科全书价格要翻倍。The meals at Charlie's Pizza are really good value.在查利比萨店用餐真的很划算。This car is good value for your money.这辆汽车你买得很合算。There's a special ticket that means you can see six concerts, which is definitely good value for money.有一种特别的票可以让你看六场音乐会,绝对合算。




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