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词汇 good looks
例句 Her good looks and confident, elegant manner made her the centre of attention.她的美貌、自信和优雅使她成了人们注意的焦点。He wants to succeed by working hard instead of just trading on his good looks.他希望通过努力工作而不是凭英俊的长相获得成功。His boyish good looks made him a favourite with the ladies.他那小男孩般的清秀容貌使他很讨女士欢心。She fell for his rugged good looks.她为他英俊粗犷的相貌所倾倒。The boys inherited Derek's good looks.这些男孩遗传了德里克的英俊外表。She was attracted by his good looks.她被他英俊的外表所吸引。His rugged good looks had girls flocking to his side.他的粗壮英俊面庞吸引了众多女孩。He has his mother's brains and his father's good looks.他既有他母亲那样的头脑,又有他父亲那样英俊的外貌。I was smitten by his good looks.我被他英俊的相貌迷住了。He's known for his good looks.他长得英俊是出了名的。He had classic good looks.他仪表堂堂。Her good looks gave her a pull over other girls.她的美貌使她与其他女孩子相比占有优势。He trades on his good looks.他利用自己的英俊相貌来谋取便利。Ann admired his rugged good looks.安喜欢他那粗犷而英俊的容貌。People are attracted to his rugged good looks.人们被他那粗犷而英俊的脸庞所吸引。She was envious of her sister's good looks.她很羡慕她妹妹的美貌。His striking good looks and charm made him very popular.他那十分漂亮的相貌和魅力使他很受欢迎。Her good looks were repeated in her only daughter.她的美貌再现于她的独生女儿。David's good looks and impeccable manners had always made her blind to his faults.戴维英俊的长相和完美的举止总是让她对他的缺点视而不见。Her green floor length dress complemented her tall lean good looks.她那绿色拖地长裙正好和她修长的优美身材相配。I secretly envied her for her good looks.我暗暗羡慕她姣好的容貌。You can only get so far on good looks alone.你仅仅依靠美貌只能达到这个程度。As children, we were dazzled by my uncle's good looks and charm.小时候,我叔叔的英俊外表和魅力令我们倾倒。Matthew had no drive. He coasted along on his good looks.马修没什么雄心壮志,就凭着自己的英俊长相混饭吃。His rugged good looks made him irresistible to women.他粗犷英俊的外貌令女性无法抗拒。I was dazzled by his charm and good looks.我为他的魅力和堂堂相貌所倾倒。She used her good looks to compensate for her lack of intelligence.她智力欠佳权以美貌弥补。He's managed to preserve his boyish good looks.他设法保留住了自己少年般的俊秀容貌。James seemed to have everything – good looks, charm, and plenty of money.詹姆斯似乎什么都有,美貌、魅力和大把的钞票。He had boyish good looks.他长得年轻英俊。She plumed herself on her good looks.她因为长得好而沾沾自喜。With her charm and good looks, she's sure to be a success.凭着她的魅力和美貌,她一定会成功。He is a young man with preternatural good looks.他是个相貌异常出众的年轻人。He had his father's good looks and his mother's good nature.他拥有父亲的好相貌以及母亲的好心肠。People generally describe him as having boyish good looks.人们一般都说他有小男孩一样的美貌。He has good looks and charm, and always falls on his feet.他长得帅又有魅力,而且总是很走运。A combination of talent, hard work and good looks have taken her to the top.兼具天赋、勤奋和美貌使她得以出人头地。She has lost her good looks.她已失去了她的美貌。Her performance has been assisted by good looks and natural talent.她的美貌和天资让她的表演更加出色。With his dark good looks, Jason could have been a TV star.贾森拥有健康的肤色和俊朗的外表,真可以当电视明星了。




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