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词汇 Good
例句 You'll deal with it personally? Good.你将亲自处理这件事吗?太好了。Good ideas don't come out of thin air— you have to think for a long time.好主意不会凭空产生,而是需要经过长时间的思考。Good old Dad!亲爱的老爸!Good boys don't sauce their parents.好孩子不会对父母无礼的。Good night, listeners!各位听众,晚安! Good heavens! It's the President himself, no less!天哪! 那竟是总统本人! Good weather leading to good grain harvests should win the country relief from food shortages.能带来粮食丰收的好天气应该可以让该国的缺粮状况得到缓解。Good, that's settled then. We'll all meet here next Wednesday.好的,那就这么定了。 我们下星期三都在这儿碰头。We're sorry that you're leaving. Good luck in your new job.很遗憾你要走了。祝你新工作顺利!Good Burgundy has an earthiness and complexity of flavour.好的勃艮第葡萄酒有一种泥土的芳香和丰富的口感。Good, a man who was most particular about his appearance, set about his toilet.古德,一个非常讲究自己外表的男子,开始梳洗打扮。We had a flat tire on the highway but fortunately a Good Samaritan stopped to help us change it.我们的车胎在路上爆了,但幸好有位好心人停下来帮我们换胎。Good Lord! Is that the time?上帝啊!那个时间对吗?Good insulation can save you money on heating bills.好的隔热效果能节省暖气费。Good luck to them. I hope they make a go of it.祝他们好运。我希望他们能成。Good agricultural land is in short supply.肥沃的农业用地短缺。Good health is connected with diet.健康与饮食有关。Good night. Sleep tight.晚安,睡个好觉。Good will prevail over evil.善良将战胜邪恶。Good readers tend to be better at spelling than other children.阅读能力强的孩子在拼写方面一般比其他孩子表现好。Good gracious!I never knew that.天哪!我不知道那件事。Good shoes are a must.好的鞋子是必不可少的。Good management in the police cannot be divorced from accountability.对警察队伍的良好管理和应负的责任是分不开的。Good, well, that's settled then.好,那么事情就这样定了。Good teachers have insight into children's emotions.优秀的教师能洞察学生内心的情感。Good apartments to rent had become almost unobtainable.好的公寓几乎已租不到了。Good gymnasts rehearse their moves mentally before a competition.优秀的体操运动员在赛前都会在心中默默地把动作过一遍。Good show chaps, you completed the course in the time allowed.干得不错,小伙子们,你们在规定时间内修完了这门课程。Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.女士们、先生们,大家晚上好。Good books can enrich man's inner life.好书可以丰富人的精神生活。Good managers are often thin on the ground.优秀的经理人常常寥寥无几。Good weather on polling day should ensure a good turnout.投票日天气好应该能让相当多的人来投票。Good morning, class! To start with I have a couple of announcements.同学们,早上好!首先,我有几件事情要宣布。Pubs are dirty, smelly and unfriendly, according to the Good Pub Guide.据《好酒吧指南》所说,酒吧一般环境肮脏,气味难闻,而且气氛很不友好。Good people skills are important in customer service.待人处世能力在客户服务中很重要。Good service is one touchstone of a first-class restaurant.优质的服务是一流餐馆的一项检验标准。Good reporters are keenly observant of everything around them.好的记者对周围的一切有敏锐的观察力。Good music seems to be a thing of the past.出色的音乐似乎已成了往事。Good eyesight is a quality which is extremely valuable for a hunting animal.敏锐的视力对猎食动物来说非常重要。Good drainage is important.良好的排水很重要。




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