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词汇 going on
例句 There's something odd going on.正在发生一些莫名其妙的事。We're going on a bus tour today, to see the sights of Copenhagen.今天我们要坐车游览哥本哈根的风景名胜。I'm only going on what I overheard him saying to Chris, but I think he's planning to leave next month.我是仅凭无意中听到他跟克里斯说的一些话作出的判断,但是我觉得他打算下个月离开。It didn't take Susie long to find out what was going on between us.苏茜不久就发现了我们之间的问题。They appeared completely unconcerned about the shelling going on around them.他们好像对四周的炮击毫不在意。She hadn't learned to drive, but she had kept going on at him to let her try.她还没学会开车,却老央求他让她试试。I don't think I can stand another evening of Ted going on and on about his health problems.我觉得自己无法再忍受一个晚上听特德唠叨他的健康问题了。It was a good enough description for Mattie to be going on with.这个描述对玛蒂来说暂时还不错。He's hip to what's going on in the jazz world.他知道爵士乐界的动向。Trendspotter Faith Starr believes a revolution is going on in the world of conferencing.时尚发掘者费思‧斯塔尔认为,会议技术界正在发生一场革命。She was fully conscious all the time and knew what was going on.她一直都很清醒,知道是怎么回事。He says he'll try and see you as soon as possible, but he has a lot going on this afternoon.他说会尽快见你,但他今天下午很忙。She is going on the air as presenter of a new show.她即将上电视主持一档新节目。Being slow on the uptake , I didn't realize what was going on at first.因反应迟钝,一开始我没意识到发生了什么事。My boyfriend says I'd like going on a camping trip, but I'm not convinced.我男友说我会喜欢露营度假的,可是我并不确定。There was a lot of wheeling and dealing going on at the convention.这次会上有许多钩心斗角。What is going on is not just war, it is genocide.正在发生的不只是战争,而且是种族大屠杀。We're going on holiday to Spain.我们要到西班牙度假。I understand that there are a number of projects going on. Could you tell us a little bit about those?.我知道目前正在进行许多项目。能否请您简单谈一谈那些项目?There isn't much else going on.没有多少事情发生。They could widen their experience by going on a course.他们可以通过上课来增加经验。We all love to frighten the pants off ourselves by going on hair-raising rides at funfairs.我们都喜欢乘坐游乐场那些让人毛发直竖的游乐设施,把自己吓得魂不附体。She was going on about what a genius her brother is.她不停地说她哥哥是怎样了不起的天才。The human rights campaign has raised public awareness of the torture going on in the country.人权运动增强了大众对该国实行严刑拷打的认识。She is always going on at her husband.她总是责备她的丈夫。There was a lot of trash-talking going on throughout the game.整场比赛上演了不少口水战。I felt like I was going on an adventure.我觉得自己好像正踏上一趟冒险旅程。The strike has been going on for weeks, and neither side seems willing to give in.罢工已经持续数周,双方似乎都不愿让步。We were vaguely aware of what was going on outside.我们隐约意识到了外面正在发生的事。You should get going on that assignment.你应该开始着手那项任务了。There was definitely something fishy going on.肯定当时有什么可疑的事在发生。What's going on up there?那上边出什么事了?A lot of nit-picking was going on about irrelevant things.对于毫不相干的事情进行大量吹毛求疵的批评。If they knew anything underhand was going on, they apparently blinked at it.假如他们知道有什么不正当的事在进行,那他们都显然是睁一只眼闭一只眼。Harry, naturally, has to prove his machismo by going on the scariest rides twice.当然,哈里为了证明自己的男子汉气概,只得坐了两次最惊险的过山车。There's always some shit going on.总有恶心的事发生。I came here by chance and was just watching what was going on, when this girl attacked me.我碰巧来到这儿,正看着热闹,突然一个女孩袭击了我。It doesn't say much for my powers of observation that I had no idea what was going on.我不知道正在发生什么事情,而这并不怎么能说明我的观察力。Check with your doctor before going on a diet.节食之前先咨询一下医生。I try to be open and honest with my employees and let them know exactly what's going on.我尽量对员工开诚布公,让他们知道真实的情况。




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