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词汇 go down
例句 Maybe we ought to go down to the library and check it out.或许我们应该去趟图书馆,查个明白。We sat on the balcony and watched the sun go down.我们坐在阳台上看着太阳落下。How did his speech go down with the audience?他的发言听众能否接受?This medicine goes down smoothly.这种药物很容易咽下去。At midday everyone would go down to Reg's Cafe.中午,大家都会下楼去雷吉餐馆。The captain didn't go down with his ship.船长没与船共同沉没。The only path that goes down to the river is a rather steep descent, so be careful.这条通向河边的唯一的小路是条很陡的坡道,要多加小心。It will go down as one of the highlights of my career.这将成为我事业的一个巅峰。In order to break your fall, slap your arm against the floor as you go down.为了减弱你跌倒的势头,当你倒下时用手臂撑着地板。You go down a steep slope, then turn left at the bottom of the hill.你先走下一个陡峭的斜坡,然后在山脚下往左转弯。I'll go down and hustle up some eggs.我下楼去迅速准备一些鸡蛋。The President's new proposals won't go down too well on Main Street.总统的新提议不太会受到普通老百姓的欢迎。This explanation won't go down with me.这一解释我无法接受。At the end of the season, the three teams at the bottom go down.赛季结束时,有三支球队降级。Let's go down to the coast at the weekend.我们周末到海边去吧。He's passed the crisis - the fever's started to go down.他已经度过了危险期——开始退烧了。I'll go down and see what that noise was. I don't scare easily you know.我下去看看那是什么声音。我不是那么容易受惊吓的,你知道。If his temperature doesn't go down, I shall call the doctor.如果他的热度不退,我将去请医生。I'm not that hungry so a salad would go down nicely.我不是很饿,所以一份色拉就够了。This day will go down in history as the start of a new era in South Africa.南非踏入新纪元的这一天将被载入史册。We watched the sun go down.我们看着夕阳西下。At midday everyone would go down to the bar.正午时分,所有人都会到酒吧去。Here the road goes down steeply in a series of zigzags.路在这里呈之字形急转而下。He broke with the family tradition and did not go down the mines.他打破了家族传统,没有下矿井(做工)。The swelling will go down if you rest your foot.你让脚休息休息,肿就会消退。I can't go down that street - there's a "No entry" sign.我不能走那条街——那儿有“禁止入内”的标志。This history book only goes down to the First World War.这部历史书只写到第一次世界大战。Our secret plans must not go down on paper.我们的秘密计划不可记录在纸上。On summer evenings we would sit on the veranda and watch the sun go down.在夏天的傍晚,我们常坐在游廊上看日落。The food wouldn't go down, and what did had to be mushed up.这些食物咽不下去,要咽下去就得打成糨糊。Will the plan go down with the farmers?这项计划能为农民接受吗?Prices are expected to go down soon.价格有望很快下跌。I had to go down on the floor to clean the room.为打扫房间我只好跪在地板上。As the temperature goes down, the oil in the engine gets thicker.随着气温下降,发动机里的油也凝结起来了。His suggestion didn't go down very well with his boss. 他的建议不合老板的意。He will go down in history as a wise adviser and a kind man.他将作为一名智者和仁人被载入史册。The price of gasoline is starting to go down again.汽油价格又开始下降了。His name will go down in history.他的名字将流芳百世。Bradley will go down in history as Los Angeles' longest serving mayor.布拉德利将作为洛杉矶任期最长的市长被载入史册。A small glass of water can help food go down more easily.一小杯水可以使食物更容易下咽。




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