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词汇 gnawing
例句 Rabbits still manage to find a way in. I am sure that some have even taken to gnawing through the metal.兔子还是找到办法进去了。我敢断定,有些兔子甚至已经用上了咬断金属的办法。A dog was gnawing at an old bone.一条狗正在啃一块老骨头。I had a gnawing feeling that something had been forgotten.我觉得好像忘了一件事,越想越揪心。This problem has been gnawing at me day and night.这个问题一直让我日夜难安。She says she's fine, but I can see that something is gnawing at her.她说她没事,可我看得出来她心里有事。I have a gnawing suspicion that he won't be there.我心里一直隐约感觉他不会在那儿。Something was gnawing at the back of his mind.有什么事情在折磨着他的内心世界。The dog was gnawing a bone.那只狗正在啃骨头。Mary Ann's exhilaration gave way to gnawing fear.玛丽·安从欣喜若狂变得忧惧不安。Doubts were already gnawing away at the back of his mind.内心的疑虑早已使他饱受煎熬。Anxiety was always gnawing him.忧虑老是折磨着他。I've had gnawing doubts about this project for some time.一段时间以来,我对这个项目一直怀有重重疑虑。The rabbits are gnawing at the fence.兔子在啮咬篱笆。The puppy was gnawing a bone.小狗在啃骨头。Doubt was gnawing away at her confidence.疑心渐渐吞噬了她的自信。




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