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The big supermarkets carry huge stocks of most goods.大型超市的大部分商品都备货很多。But as other shops fold, the march of the superstores continues.但在其他商店纷纷关门倒闭之时,大型超市的强劲扩张势头却依旧不减。Big supermarkets can undercut all rivals, especially small family-owned shops.大型超市售价可以低于所有竞争对手,尤其是那些商业街上的小店铺。They use low prices to lure customers into their superstores.他们用低廉的价格吸引顾客光顾他们的大型超市。Predatory pricing by large supermarkets was threatening the livelihood of smaller businesses.大型超市的掠夺性价格正威胁着小商店的生计。They're about to launch a campaign to unionize workers at all major supermarkets in the area.他们准备发起一场运动,号召本地区所有大型超市的员工都加入工会。A big supermarket can usually undersell a small local store.大型超市的售价常常可以低于当地的小店铺。Superstores such as Wal-Mart are now commonplace in America's small towns.如今,在美国的小城镇,沃尔玛等大型超市已不足为奇了。Small grocery stores are going out of business in the face of stiff competition from the large supermarket chains.面对大型超市连锁店的激烈竞争,小杂货店纷纷歇业。 |