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词汇 giving up
例句 She had to choose between giving up her job or hiring a nanny.她不得不在放弃工作和雇保姆之间作出抉择。I've spent a lot of time and effort getting this far. I'm not giving up now.我花费了许多时间和心血做到这一步,我现在不会放弃的。We discouraged him from giving up the job.我们劝他不要放弃那份工作。I came close to giving up several times.我好几次差点要放弃。She was a bit too premature in giving up this job.她放弃这份工作似嫌太草率。She never once thought of giving up. Everyone admired her fighting spirit.她从未想到放弃。大家都很钦佩她的斗志。I was on the brink of giving up the project altogether.我就要完全放弃该项目了。It'll break your father's heart if you tell him you're giving up college.如果你告诉你父亲不上大学了,他会很伤心的。After giving up smoking, he became fat and irritable.戒烟后,他发福了,而且老爱发火。Fixing a small issue at the cost of giving up a serious one is not good for anyone.以放弃更严重的问题为代价而去修复一个小问题,对谁都没有好处。She says she was virtually blackmailed into giving up her claim to the property.她说自己实际上是受人胁迫而放弃了财产要求。We're giving up too many points - we have to bear down.我们放弃太多点了——我们得加把劲呀。As Mike saw it, marriage would mean giving up his freedom.在迈克眼里,结婚就意味着要放弃自由。I'm not giving up without a fight!我不会不战而降的!They brainwash people into giving up all their money.他们向人们强行灌输放弃所有钱财的思想。He was suffering from all the classic withdrawal symptoms associated with giving up heroin.他表现出了戒除海洛因过程中的所有典型症状。You are all wet if you think I'm giving up that easy.如果你认为我会那样轻易认输,那你就大错特错了。We had to sign a waiver, giving up any rights to the land in the future.我们不得不签了一份弃权声明,放弃将来对那块土地的任何权利。The restructuring involves Mr. Ronson giving up control of the company.公司的重组需要龙森先生放弃对公司的控制权。He is thinking of giving up teaching.他在考虑辞去教书的工作。I have always regretted giving up my piano lessons.我对放弃学钢琴一直很后悔。The new arrangement would mean giving up some of their political independence.新的安排意味着让出他们的部分政治自主权。Go to your doctor and ask for advice on giving up smoking.去找你的医生请教怎么戒烟。The restructuring involves Mr Ronson giving up control of the company.这次改组涉及龙森先生放弃对公司的控制权。I don't mind giving up a couple of hours a week to deal with correspondence.我不介意一个星期腾出几个小时来处理信件。Doing this course will mean giving up a lot of my spare time.做这道菜意味着我要放弃很多休息时间。What's all this nonsense about you giving up your job?这些关于你要辞职的胡扯到底是怎么回事?He wanted her at any cost, even if it meant giving up everything he had.他不惜一切代价要得到她,即使这意味着放弃他自己所拥有的一切。The deal offers an increase in policy value in return for giving up guarantees.作为放弃担保的交换,这笔交易将提高保单价值。I was seduced by the prospect of giving up work and living a life of ease.我被那种放下工作、无忧无虑生活的前景所吸引。I was on the point of giving up the search when something caught my eye in the bushes.我正要放弃搜索,这时注意到灌木丛中有什么东西。Not once did she think of giving up, despite all the problems involved.尽管困难重重,她从未想过要放弃。The chief sponsor of the New York law, state Senator Emanuel Gold, says he's not giving up.纽约州立法的主要倡议人州参议员伊曼纽尔·戈尔德说,他不会放弃。I have no thought of giving up.我没想过要放弃。He would never think of giving up the project.他是决不会放弃这项计划的。 Aren't you chancing your arm a bit giving up a secure job to start up a business?你放弃稳定的工作去开办公司是不是有点太冒险了?He says he's lost too many years to the bottle, and that he's giving up alcohol.他说酗酒使他失去了太多的年华,所以他正在戒酒。I'm dallying with the idea of giving up my job.我并没有真的考虑要放弃自己的工作。The kids were often bullied into giving up their lunch money.孩子们经常被胁迫交出午餐钱。I hope Jeff's serious about giving up smoking.我希望杰夫说戒烟是认真的。




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