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例句 The evidence given in court was inconsistent with what he had previously told them.他提交法庭的证据与之前他告诉他们的相矛盾。He has given in to my views.他已让步,接受了我的看法。References are given in full at the end of this article.本文末尾处有全部的参考书目。The prices are given in parentheses.价格在括号内。This word is not given in the dictionary.这字没有收入这本字典。That all-important condition was given in the fine print.那个最重要的条款被放到了小字印刷条款中。A dinner is to be given in honor of the new president.将为新校长举行晚宴。More details will be given in our news broadcast.更多详情请收听新闻播报节目。More details will be given in our next news bulletin.更多详情将在下次新闻简报中报道。Actual usage of the word is different from the meaning given in the dictionary.这个词的实际用法不同于词典中的释义。On the following day a feast was given in King John's honour.第二天设宴款待约翰王。All assignments must be given in to your teacher by Friday.星期五之前必须把所有的作业交给你们老师。Yesterday a state dinner was given in honor of the visiting president.昨天设国宴款待来访的总统。The information was given in a pamphlet put out by the university's health department.这条信息是大学卫生部门制作的手册里提供的。The vaccination is given in early infancy.疫苗接种在婴儿早期进行。The prices are given in brackets.价格列在括号中。Details of suggested further reading are given in the bibliography.建议进一步阅读的书详细列于书目中。The figures in the accounts must be consistent with the information given in the annual report.账目上的数字必须与年度报告上提供的信息一致。Prices are given in pounds and euros.价格用英镑和欧元标出。The recipe is given in both metric and imperial measures.制作方法以公制和英制两种计量方法标出。Very little information is given in the diary entries.日记中给出的信息很少。Details are given in our promotional leaflet.我们的宣传单上有详细说明。Don't regurgitate the stuff given in the textbook.不要照背课本中的东西。The evidence given in court was inconsistent with what he had previously told them.法庭上的证词与他当初告诉他们的不一致。She came to the class with a piece of work she should have given in last week.她带着本该上周就交的作业来上课。More details are given in our catalogue.详情请参阅我们的目录。A list of phonetic symbols is given in the front of the dictionary.词典的前面给出了音标表。The Secretary of State has given in to special pleading.国务卿已被那些诡辩之词给说服了。This word is not given in the dictionary.此词没有收入这部词典。A banquet was given in honor of the visiting President.为来访的总统举行了宴会。The remedy was given in different strengths to a group of volunteers.药按照不同的浓度分发给了一组志愿者。A farewell dinner was given in her honour.为她举行了钱别宴会。Last year's sales figures are given in brackets.去年的销售数字放在括弧中。In most dictionaries words to which the reader is cross-referenced are given in small capitals.在多数词典中,通过互见指引读者去参看的词用小号大写字母印刷。The anniversary was marked by a luncheon given in the palace.在皇宫举行了午宴以庆祝周年纪念日。The proposals were given in outline by the Secretary of State.国务卿对提议进行了简要的概述。The access of money to power is simply one of the givens in Washington.有钱便有权,这是华盛顿司空见惯的现象之一。Exit visas are only given in exceptional circumstances.只有在很特殊的情况下才发放出境签证。




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