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词汇 giddy
例句 Being there gave me a giddy pleasure.身处现场让我感到激动开心。Her second book lifted her to giddy heights of literary fame. 她的第二本书使她在文坛声名大噪。The company was growing at a giddy pace.公司正以惊人的速度成长。He felt giddy from the sleeping pill.安眠药使他觉得头晕。Sheila felt giddy with excitement.希拉激动得忘乎所以。She was giddy and choked with nausea.她头晕目眩,恶心得说不出话来。Small, giddy children point and whoop with delight at the confectionery.兴奋异常的小孩子们指着甜食店欢呼起来。He felt giddy and sank to the ground.他头一晕便倒在地上了。It makes me giddy to go on a merry-go-round.我骑旋转木马要头晕。Wall Street has fallen back from last week's giddy heights.华尔街从上周令人仰视的云端跌落下来。We were giddy from the summer heat.暑热使我们晕眩。He was giddy with delight.他高兴得不得了。His giddy wife-to-be just giggled.他轻佻的未婚妻只是咯咯地笑。Perhaps he will rise to the giddy heights of parliamentary secretary.也许他会升到政务次官这一令人仰视的高位。The room was filled with giddy laughter.房间充满了欢快的笑声。Although she had been quite a successful model, she had never reached the giddy heights of the Paris fashion world.她虽然是一个很成功的模特,但是她从来没有到达巴黎时装界那个高不可攀的顶峰。The uprising was a giddy, joyous time.上坡时既兴奋又开心。He can no longer get away with playing the giddy, irresponsible boy.他再也不能一味地做不负责任的花花公子而不受惩罚了。The news made him positively giddy.这个消息无疑让他欣喜若狂。I was giddy with the heat.我热得头昏脑胀。The smell of the gas grew stronger; she began to feel giddy.煤气味越来越重;她开始感到头昏。Fiona's very pretty but a bit giddy.菲奥纳很漂亮,但是有点轻浮。She felt giddy with excitement as she waited for his train to arrive.在等待他乘坐的火车到来期间,她兴奋得难以自持。She felt giddy and light-headed.她感到头晕眼花。He felt giddy and light-headed.他感到头晕目眩。My mum came over all giddy and had to sit down.我妈妈突然头晕目眩,不得不坐了下来。Steep stairs may leave you giddy and faint.陡直的楼梯会让人头晕目眩。She suddenly felt giddy and had to find somewhere to sit down.她突然一阵头晕,不得不找个地方坐下来。He had a headache and felt giddy.他头很疼,感觉晕乎乎的。The alcohol was making him a little giddy.酒精使他有点头晕。Anthony was giddy with self-satisfaction.安东尼洋洋自得,忘乎所以。




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