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词汇 getting angry
例句 He was getting angry but his voice remained level.他很生气,但说话的语气仍很平静。She reacted to the news by getting angry.她听到这个消息很生气。He is so constituted that he can accept unjust criticism without getting angry.他生来就是那种能忍受不公正的批评而不发火的人。There's no point getting angry.生气是没有意义的。He was getting angry, and his wife could feel her own tension building.他快要动怒了,他的妻子则感到自己内心越来越紧张。Harry found himself getting angry over little things that had never bothered him before.哈里发现自己会因为小事而生气,而以前他从不会在意这些事情。He endured everything, insults and all, without getting angry.他忍受了一切,包括侮辱等等,没有动怒。It's frustrating, but there's no point in getting angry.真令人沮丧,可是生气也没用。She backed off from the debate when she saw her classmates were getting angry.她见她的同班同学要生气了,就中断了辩论。After she got over the initial surprise of being tricked, she started getting angry.最初她对被骗感到惊讶,过后开始生气。I was getting angry because she kept barging in on our conversation.我生气了,因为她老是打断我们的谈话。




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