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词汇 get shot of
例句 I suspect he left home to get shot of that awful mother of his.我猜测他离开家是为了摆脱他那位不可理喻的母亲。I can't wait to get shot of this office for a week.我迫不急待地要离开这间办公室一周的时间。Everybody's in a rush to get shot of their shares in the company.人人都急着抛掉该公司的股票。We were glad to get shot of that old car.我们很高兴终于把那辆旧车处理掉了。I can't wait to get shot of this old car.我迫不及待地想把这辆旧车扔掉。There's a small problem I'd like to get shot of before I leave the office.在离开办公室前我还有一个小问题要解决。




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